AYY Weekly Newsletter 4/2019

The new year has started at speed. Chair of the Board Tapio shares his greetings for the early year on this video: https://youtu.be/R8nXTBrjZJc. You can learn about all of AYY’s compositions of 2019 at https://ayy.fi/en/blog/2019/01/16/vuoden-2019-toimijat-ovat-aloittaneet/.

Week 4

Week 5


1. New year, new Board and new volunteers

The new year is accompanied by new operators. The AYY Board took up its duties from the start of January, and nearly all sections and committees for 2019 have also been selected by now.

This year, the position of Chair of the AYY Board is filled by Tapio Hautamäki, who is a master’s level student from the School of Sciences. The other Board members and their areas of responsibility are:

  • Iida Palosuo, ARTS, Vice Chair, Services
  • Ellen Heikkilä, ARTS, Real Estate, Campus and Sustainable Development
  • Leila Kettunen, CHEM, Elections, Brand and Education Policy
  • Lumi Ketola, ENG, CHEM, Education Policy
  • Taneli Myllykangas, ELEC, Internationality and Corporate Relations, Archive and Museum
  • Anna Halsas, BIZ, Organisations, New Students and Council
  • Marianne Honkasaari, SCI, Student Centre and Artistic Activities
  • Antti Pentikäinen, BIZ, Social Policy, Municipal Influencing and Sports
  • Olli Kesseli, SCI, Community, Volunteers and Alumni

Take a look at the compositions of the sections and committees here: https://ayy.fi/en/blog/2019/01/16/vuoden-2019-toimijat-ovat-aloittaneet/

P.S. Application to Aava’s Outdoor Games Committee (https://ayy.fi/stop/en/culture-events/outdoorgames/), the renewed Mosaic Committee (https://lomake.ayy.fi/rekry/mosaic/) and the AYY10 Anniversary Year Section (https://ayy.fi/stop/en/ayy10/) is open until 27 Jan.

2. Design the TOKYO and AYY Design Calendar for 2091–2020

Aalto University Student Union and Arts and Design Students TOKYO ry are announcing the design contest for the Design Calendar for the academic year 2019–2020. The contest starts on 1 Jan 2019, and its deadline is on Thursday 31 January 2019 at 4 pm! All Aalto University students have a right to participate in the contest. Free your creative powers and produce the world’s best calendar design!


3. Apply to AYY10 Anniversary Year Section! Application period is open until 27 Jan 2019

Our beloved Student Union has been forging ahead for some years already, and we are soon celebrating our first full decade. Now is, at last, the time to start recruiting for the section many have been waiting for: the AYY10 Anniversary Year Section!

As the member of the Anniversary Year Section, you will be part of conceptualising and executing the anniversary year and the 10th annual ball itself. Will the anniversary year feature separate anniversary year spectacles, or will the usual events be organised bigger than before and with an AYY10 twist? How can we make the entire community participate in the anniversary year? And in particular, of course: where and how to organise the culmination itself, the annual ball that ends the anniversary year? You will help ensure that this party will remain a conversation point for the Aalto community for a long time to come!

There will be about 6–10 persons appointed for the Section, whose responsibilities will be assigned based on the applicants’ wishes and interests. This Section will look like its members, so don’t hesitate to apply! Members of the Section will be appointed based on their applications and interviews.

Application ends on Sunday 27 Jan 2019. Apply to make AYY history here: https://ayy.fi/stop/en/ayy10/!

Any questions? For more information, contact Chair of AYY10 Anniversary Section Titta Saari or Niina Palm, the producer of the Annual Ball ([email protected]).

4. Apply to AYY Communications Intern

Aalto University Student Union, creating the best student’s life in the world, is looking for a Communications Intern for our diamond Communications team. As the intern, you will be involved with launching AYY’s new website, planning and executing communications about the parliamentary and European elections as well as the crowning of Havis Amanda taking place on May Day.

We will fill the position as soon as a suitable person is found, so please act fast! Send an application and your CV to [email protected] soon, at the very latest by 31 Jan 2019. More information on the position can be found at https://ayy.fi/…/avoimet-tyopaikat/viestinnan-harjoittelija/ (in Finnish).


5. Invoice for your skills easily with OP Light Entrepreneurship service – 20% off service fee for AYY members

Take a step towards entrepreneurship by joining OP Light Entrepreneurship service for free! By registering into our service, you get your own Business ID free of charge and become a sole trader. Through OP Self-employed service, you can send out invoices and, for AYY members, the only cost is a 4% service fee of the paid sales invoice (normally 5%, no fixed costs). We will take care of the paperwork for you, such as the accounting, tax return and tax payments. The service is suitable to new and existing sole traders, regardless of where they bank.

Focus on your skillset and make your dreams come true! https://www.op.fi/corporate-customers/services-for-entrepreneur/starting-a-business/op-light-entrepreneurship-service


You can get the AYY members’ benefit (4% service fee) by sending your student number to [email protected].


6. MC Mökä: January’s Sauna on 25 Jan 2019

The new year has got off to a good start, and to honour this, Metal Club Mökä is organising an infernal sauna evening at Ossi’s Sauna (OK18). As usual, there will be some food, punch, sauna – and good music, of course. All new and old faces are welcome to join us!

More details from the Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/356993668430263/

7. WhisKY New Beginnings Tasting on 25 Jan

Welcome to the first tasting of the year and to our new clubroom, with whiskies we were supposed to have last time around!

Chosen by the old Board and shipped way too late, hopefully they prove to be worth the wait.

WHAT: WhisKY New Beginnings Tasting
WHERE: The yet unnamed clubroom, Jämeräntaival 11 G ground floor, 02150 Espoo
WHEN: Friday 25 Jan at 6.00 pm
HOW MUCH: 15 €
TICKETS: https://holvi.com/shop/viskikerhowhisky/product/374f6546e46c089e918fbb003cccac81/

Facebook Event: https://www.facebook.com/events/2170876799794225


8. A couple of lattes? Or a month at the gym?

Coffee will power you up for a few hours, but exercise does the same for several days! For the price of a few cups of coffee, you can have unlimited exercise at UniSport for a whole month. With the inexpensive season ticket, you can visit the gym as often as you like and take part in group training and the general ball sports sessions. You will have our six sports centres in Otaniemi, Kluuvi, Töölö, Meilahti, Kumpula and Viikki at your disposal! As an Aalto University student, your workout cost starts at 8.40 €/mo. Come and try our services – the first time is for free!

Read more: https://uusi.unisport.fi/en/newsroom/news-archive/welcome-unisport-exercise-discover-and-enjoy#?

9. Teekkaripurjehtijat looking for active students, Navigation courses have begun

Teekkaripurjehtijat ry will supplement its Board on 31 Jan 2019 and is looking for officials. There are no prerequisites for taking part; it comes down to interest. If you are looking for a hobby organisation in which you can really make a difference, and if sailing is something you want as a hobby (whether you are familiar with it or not), get in touch ([email protected]), read about the club’s operations (https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=44) and become a member (https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=178).

The sign-up for Teekkaripurjehtijat’s Navigation courses is open. Navigointi 1, the introductory course to navigation theory and waterborne traffic regulations, started on 8 Jan 2019, but it is still possible to sign up. Navigointi 2, a direct continuation of Navigointi 1 that deepens your knowledge of navigation theory, the tides, the weather and using a radar, begins on 27 Feb 2019 (requires a Navigointi 1 certificate). Both certificates can be acquired through self-study. More information at https://trip.ayy.fi/wordpress/?page_id=211 (in Finnish).

10. Come dance in the Polijazz classes from 22 Jan

Welcome to the Polijazz dance classes! The classes start in week 4 (22 Jan 2019). The classes are held in the Association Room at Jämeräntaival 1 (ground floor in the inner yard). Your first class is free!

  • Break dance (open level) Tuesdays at 8.30–9.30 pm
  • Modern dance (open level) Wednesdays at 5.45–7 pm
  • Oriental dance (open level) Fridays at 4–5 pm

Sign up on the Polijazz website, https://polijazz.ayy.fi/index.php.

11. Teekkari basketball team Aalto-Basket looking for players!

Have you played basketball in the past and would like to continue your hobby during your studies? Join the teams of Aalto-Basket. Aalto-Basket has three men’s teams. The first team plays in the regional 2nddivision, Buckets in the 4th division and Alvars in the 5th division. Want to join us? Send us an email containing your basketball background to [email protected], and the teams’ contact persons will get in touch with you. Alvars, in particular, is in need of new players!

You can also find Aalto-Basket on Facebook: Aalto-Basket men’s 1st team https://fi-fi.facebook.com/AaltoBasket/ and the Aalto Buckets 2nd team https://www.facebook.com/AaltoBuckets-383329298809998/.
Aalto Alvars https://www.facebook.com/aaltoalvars/

12. Gliding licence course begins on Tue 5 Feb at 6.00 pm @ Otaniemi

Polyteknikkojen Ilmailukerho (the Polytech Aviation Club) PIK is organising a gliding licence course in spring 2019! The course begins with a theory section in February–April, on two nights per week. The course is Finnish-language. Read more and sign up at http://www.pik.fi/kurssi (in Finnish).


13. Strategy kick-off on 24 Jan: Come and create Aalto University’s future

Welcome to the Harald Herlin Learning Centre, Otaniementie 9, on Thursday 24 Jan 2019 at 9.00 am

The journey to create our living strategy starts now. Everyone at Aalto’s expertise and views are needed for answering the long-term questions our strategy should address.

President Ilkka Niemelä, the new Chairman of the Board Mikko Kosonen and Professor Timo Vuori will lead us to the subject. After the talks, you will have a possibility to discuss the topics and give your answers at the Strategy Bazar.

Please register for the event here: https://link.webropolsurveys.com/S/D14D2A37AB6AD9FC.

Check out aalto.fi/3.0 (requires login).


This is Aalto University Student Union’s weekly newsletter for week 4/2019. The newsletter gives you the news on AYY and its associations and sections, as well as other useful information.

If you want your own piece to appear in the newsletter, send your finalised text to [email protected] by 10 am on Thursday for publication the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length 1 000 characters.

You can also read the newsletter on AYY’s website at https://ayy.fi/en/students/weekly-newsletter/

News concerning associations can be found in the association newsletter. Read them at https://ayy.fi/en/associations/association-newsletter/

Want to unsubscribe from the weekly newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page: https://list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/ayy-info-fi

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Read more news

Weekly Newsletter Published:

Weekly Newsletter 23/2019

This is the spring’s last weekly newsletter. Have a sunny summer, everyone! The weekly newsletter will return from its summer break at the end of August. To while away your summer, why not visit AYY’s new website at beta.ayy.fi. Send us feedback and improvement ideas so we can make the website even better!
Weekly Newsletter Published:

Weekly Newsletter 22/2019

The weekly newsletter comes out for the last time this spring on Monday next week, 3 Jun. Because of Ascension Day, the materials for the spring’s last newsletter must be delivered by 10.00 am on Wednesday 29 May to [email protected].
Weekly Newsletter Published:

Weekly Newsletter 21/2019

Sunday is the day to vote in the European Parliament election. In Finland, you can still vote in advance until tomorrow, 21 May. You can vote at any advance polling station – for example, at the Harald Herlin Learning Centre in Otaniemi – and you only need to bring a photo ID. On the election day, Sun 26 May, you can only vote at your designated polling station.
The last weekly newsletter comes out on Mon 3 Jun. Because of Ascension Day, the materials for the spring’s last newsletter must be delivered by 10.00 am on Wednesday 29 May to [email protected].
Weekly Newsletter Published:

Weekly Newsletter 20/2019

AYY’s Annual Ball Week is here. Take part in the most amazing events this week. You can find the week’s events listed at https://ayy.fi/en/blog/2019/05/09/the-annual-ball-week-is-here/.