Harassment contact persons
Have you experienced or encountered bullying, sexual harassment or racism in the Aalto community?
Do you need advice or advocacy services but are unsure where to turn? Send a message to our advocacy specialists. The student union’s advocacy specialists will advise and guide you to the best of their ability. They can help you, for example, in conflict situations with the university, in matters related to student health, and many other problems related to student life. If you come to Finland from abroad to study, you can also contact us with questions regarding residency, for example.
Advice on the development of education within your field of study or school is available from student representatives in administration appointed by AYY.
In matters related to subsistence, you should first consult Kela. In case of employment rights, please contact your trade union.
Contact us!
Have you experienced or encountered bullying, sexual harassment or racism in the Aalto community?
A number of different organisations provide assistance and services to support the wellbeing of Aalto University students.
The student union provides advice to each of its members, forwards feedback within the university, and defends the rights of students.
Student representatives in administration, aka hallopeds, are Aalto students who participate in the decision-making and development of the university.
The Student Union promotes the best student life in the world by influencing issues related to education, student life and student well-being at the university and in society at large.