Weekly Newsletter 21/2019

Sunday is the day to vote in the European Parliament election. In Finland, you can still vote in advance until tomorrow, 21 May. You can vote at any advance polling station – for example, at the Harald Herlin Learning Centre in Otaniemi – and you only need to bring a photo ID. On the election day, Sun 26 May, you can only vote at your designated polling station.
The last weekly newsletter comes out on Mon 3 Jun. Because of Ascension Day, the materials for the spring’s last newsletter must be delivered by 10.00 am on Wednesday 29 May to [email protected].

Sunday is the day to vote in the European Parliament election. In Finland, you can still vote in advance until tomorrow, 21 May. You can vote at any advance polling station – for example, at the Harald Herlin Learning Centre in Otaniemi – and you only need to bring a photo ID. On the election day, Sun 26 May, you can only vote at your designated polling station.

The last weekly newsletter comes out on Mon 3 Jun. Because of Ascension Day, the materials for the spring’s last newsletter must be delivered by 10.00 am on Wednesday 29 May to [email protected].

Week 21

21 May: Futuretalks Movie Night: The Grand Budapest Hotel https://ayy.fi/en/blog/events/futuretalks-movie-night-the-grand-budapest-hotel/

22 May: Cross-country cycling for beginners https://ayy.fi/blog/events/maastopyorailya-aloittelijoille/ (in Finnish)

22 May: The Guild of the Cross: Games night https://ayy.fi/blog/events/ristin-kilta-peli-ilta-16/ (in Finnish)

26 May: Murskaveljekset VII https://ayy.fi/blog/events/murskaveljekset-vii/

26 May: European Parliament election https://vaalit.fi/en/frontpage

Week 22

27 May: Sign-up for the auditions for the Female Choir KYN https://ayy.fi/blog/events/naiskuoro-kynn-koelaulut-2/ (in Finnish)

1 Jun: Hydepakki’s Lapland hike https://ayy.fi/en/blog/events/hydepakkis-lapland-hike/


1. AYY’s Representative Council election kick-off on 22 May 2019

2. Submit your event for the calendar for the academic year 2019–2020

3. Share your wishes for the Polyteekkari Museum’s new permanent exhibition


4. Breakfast seminar “AI – Facts beyond the hype” on 28 May at Tieto HQ, Espoo

5. Tieto Boosters @ Otaniemi


6. BoA’19 Exhibition: Design has entered Otaniemi

7. Auditions for the Female Choir KYN on Mon 3 Jun 2019


8. Murskaveljekset VII on 26 May 2019

9. WhisKY Taste of Summer Tasting on 31 May 2019

10. Graffathon on 7–9 Jun

11. Academic summer kyykkä on 20 Jul 2019


12. Organising to deliver social value – Impact seminar on 12 June

13. Let's create the future Opiskelijahaalarit! Join our Wearable Technology Workshop!

14. Aalto Ventures Program is looking for a Global Partnerships Coordinator!


1. AYY’s Representative Council election kick-off on 22 May 2019

AYY’s Representative Council election takes place in autumn 2019. The Council consists of 45 members and acts as the Student Union’s highest decision-making body.

So that the elections would not come as a surprise, AYY is offering eager groups, election coordinators and candidates an election kick-off! The kick-off is held on 22 May at Avain Sauna (Otaranta 8E, top floor) at 6.00–8.00 pm.  By attending the kick-off, you and your group will be best equipped to prepare for the autumn’s election and for reaching both candidates and voters! There will also be some snacks on offer and a sauna opportunity after the event’s official part. The event’s language will be decided based on the attendees’ language skills, but each participant can use the language they feel most comfortable with.

Whether you are a first-timer interested in the Representative Council or a veteran member of many years, come along to kick off preparations for what is possibly the most important effort of the election super year!

2. Submit your event for the calendar for the academic year 2019–2020

Associations and operators within AYY have the opportunity to submit their important dates for the Design Calendar produced collectively by AYY and TOKYO. Events can be added to the table linked below until Sunday 26 May 2019. Add your events under the correct month in chronological order. Write the text you want in the calendar in the column “Event name/Text.” Note that there is room for a maximum of 25 characters, including spaces, on one line. When writing, think about how many lines of your own calendar you want to be “wasted.” The calendar will be trilingual, so take this into account too when planning your text.

The table can be edited until the given deadline of 26 May 2019, and you can make changes to your events until then. Take care when filling in the columns, and double-check that the information is accurate. Also remember to include the information on who is organising the event.

The table can be found at http://bit.ly/ayycalendar2019.

Questions and comments can be sent to AYY’s Communications Specialist Henna Palonen ([email protected] or 050 5209440).

3. Share your wishes for the Polyteekkari Museum’s new permanent exhibition

The renovation of the Polyteekkari Museum’s cellar spaces will be finalised in the summer. The Museum will hopefully be able to move back home before the autumn term. So that the Museum can once again be the display window of the whole community, we would like to hear what you would like to see as part of the permanent exhibition. So, please go and answer some questions with a few choice words at http://bit.ly/näyttelyuudistus.

Up-to-date information on the renovations, invitations to communal work efforts and the opening as well as other juicy details will be published regularlyish on our social media channels as well, so follow the Polyteekkari Museum on Instagram and Facebook!

More info and good questions: [email protected] or on Telegram, curators Rasmus Ruohola @tassid and Nuutti Sten @nuuttisten.


4. Breakfast seminar “AI – Facts beyond the hype” on 28 May at Tieto HQ, Espoo

Are you eager to learn how to build future-proof technology and capabilities? At our event, we go through the facts beyond the AI hype to discover how organisations should transform in order to capture the opportunities of the data-rich world, where we are at now with AI development for business use, and what can be currently achieved with the help of AI.

We have gathered an interesting programme including insights of the current AI trends and use cases. Please review the full speaker list at the event page.  Sign up now: https://www.tieto.com/en/events/2019/tieto-talks-ai-finland?utm_source=Marketo&utm_medium=Events&utm_campaign=HE-FI-XI-2019-05-TietoTalksAI&mkt_tok=eyJpIjoiTUdFNFptRXdaVFF6TkdOaiIsInQiOiJHTzJUWklGeHVSajFkM2RrUUtcL3dQTzB2ejVGeGo2SE1qUSsxZ0hZTk9rSHlkTDRiVDBqZTUzQ0F0Q3VRTnI3QTM5eWVHQ0JDeW1DTmdFSStPUGNLNnc9PSJ9

5. Tieto Boosters @ Otaniemi

Wed 22 May at 1.00–3.00 pm, Aalto University, Otakaari 1, U Lobby, Tieto’s booth 

Get to know Tieto’s Career Starters platform, Tieto Boosters, for future change-makers: young professionals, recent graduates, and students looking for opportunities to be part of building a smarter society.

Ilona Savolainen demonstrates Tieto Empathic Building as an example of how smart technologies can help employees feel happier, more inspired and perform better. https://www.tieto.com/fi/events/2019/isoiec-jtc-1sc-7-software-and-systems-engineering-meeting/


6. BoA’19 Exhibition: Design has entered Otaniemi

BoA’19 is an exhibition presenting the BA thesis productions of the students graduating in Design. The annual exhibition takes place for the first time in Väre, the brand-new building of Aalto Arts in Otaniemi.

The vast spectrum of work presented invites people to wander through the diverse, ever changing and expanding field of design. The exhibited pieces mark an important milestone in the students’ individual paths to their designer identities and becoming professionals. 

The exhibition is open from 23 May to 5 June, Mon–Thu 8–21 / Fri 8–20 / Sat 9–17

Facebook @BOA’19 Instagram @aalto_boa

Further information: https://www.aalto.fi/en/events/boa19-exhibition-design-has-entered-otaniemi.

7. Auditions for the Female Choir KYN on Mon 3 Jun 2019

Would you like to sing in one of the best female choirs in the world? Audition for KYN!

KYN is one of Finland’s and the world’s leading female choirs. KYN’s merits from the past few years include e.g. a Grand Prix win and a special award for outstanding stage performance in Berlin, being ranked the sixth best female choir in the world and being selected Choir of the Year.

KYN consists of women of different ages who are studying or working in different fields, brought together by a love of choir music. We have a professional attitude towards our hobby and see the choir as a way of life. If you feel the same, you might just be a future KYN lady!

– The auditions are held on Mon 3 Jun 2019 at 5.30–9.00 pm in the TUAS building (Maarintie 8, Espoo)

– Read more and sign up by Mon 27 May 2019 at https://bit.ly/KYNkoelaulutKevat2019 (in Finnish)

– Queries to [email protected]

Read more at https://www.facebook.com/events/1053861118150992/ (in Finnish).

You can also find us on Instagram, Spotify and YouTube. Warmly welcome!


8. Murskaveljekset VII on 26 May 2019

Right before the summer, there is still time to figure out the Otaniemi Super Smash Bros. champion. The Super Smash Bros. Ultimate tournament of spring 2019, Murskaveljekset VII, takes place on Sunday 26 May from 12 noon onwards upstairs at Otakaari 20. The tournament features a singles (1v1) and doubles (2v2) series, of which the singles event will use the Squad Strike game mode.

Detailed info on the tournament: https://ayy.fi/blog/events/murskaveljekset-vii/.

9. WhisKY Taste of Summer Tasting on 31 May 2019

Time for the last tasting of the semester. Whether it's your afterwork or after exam, join us for a taste of 4 sherry and wine cask matured whiskies. Let's end the academic year the right way; with whisky.

WHAT: WhisKY Taste of Summer Tasting
WHERE: Jämeräntaival 11 G, bottom floor
WHEN: Friday 31 May at 6.00 pm
TICKETS: https://holvi.com/shop/viskikerhowhisky/product/fd0a5d0520963e7f9175fe0284d9b5f4/  

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/830229374013313/

10. Graffathon on 7–9 Jun

Graffathon is a three-day computer graphics hackathon where participants create a computer program that produces a non-interactive multimedia presentation, also known as a demo. The event is aimed at beginners with no previous graphics coding and/or demoscene experience – there are presentations, workshops and help available to get you started. Demos can be made alone or preferably in groups of two to four people, and you can find a group at the event. Aalto students have the possibility to get one ECTS credit for attending the event.

WHAT: Graffathon 2019
WHEN: Fri 7 Jun–Sat 9 Jun
WHERE: Urban Mill, Betonimiehekuja 3 E, Espoo
HOW MUCH: Totally free!

Find the registration link and more info on the website: http://www.graffathon.fi/2019/.
Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1763346960435392/

11. Academic summer kyykkä on 20 Jul 2019

WHAT – Academic summer kyykkä tournament Kesähauki

WHERE – Hervanta’s Mäkipuisto field

WHEN – 20 Jul 2019 from 10.00 am

HOW MUCH – 20€

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/268398820777049/ (in Finnish)

Kesähauki is played using the rules of academic kyykkä. Detailed rules available later at www.kyykkaseura.fi (in Finnish). The event’s official Telegram group can be found at https://t.me/joinchat/Cl6rohMqhBWJXd8YFg7giw.


12. Organising to deliver social value – Impact seminar on 12 June

Impact seminar on 12 June at 2.00–5.00 pm, Mordor A meeting space, A Grid building, Otaniemi (Otakaari 5, Espoo)

This interactive seminar brings together academic researchers, social entrepreneurs and leaders of the non-profit sector. Using real-life case studies and current academic research, we explore and share observations and insights on processes and practices that help organisations deliver social value. With companies looking to create value beyond economic benefits, and increasing competition among non-profit organisations, renewed attention is being paid to finding innovative ways for organisations to address societal challenges and the pressing needs of marginalised communities.

The purpose of this first practitioner workshop held by Aalto University’s Organizing for social value research group (https://aaltosocialvalue.net) is to start a dialogue among practitioners and researchers and to share actionable knowledge. We hope to see you on 12 June!

Sign-up form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdSI4ef-jcqx-TUOrpcJDUqGjczzYTYy5fx3ZHHxq0jEa83QA/viewform?usp=sf_link

13. Let's create the future Opiskelijahaalarit! Join our Wearable Technology Workshop!

As part of our research, we will run a hands-on workshop on state-of-the-art technology for enhancing students’ outfits. Digital patches? Interactive overalls? Show and create your ideas!

Thursday 23 May at 2.00–4.00 pm

More info and registration at https://link.webropolsurveys.com/EP/0A285D3161FA7A9B.

Contact: Felix A. Epp, [email protected], Telegram: @eppfel

14. Aalto Ventures Program is looking for a Global Partnerships Coordinator!

As the Global Partnerships Coordinator, you'd be in charge of coordinating and developing AVP's international activities and presenting Aalto Ventures Program to international visitors. You'd get to work closely together with the AVP team, stakeholders from the Aalto ecosystem and our international partners. In addition, we offer flexible working hours, a competitive salary and a gateway to Aalto's startup ecosystem. The job is full-time during summer and after that a part-time student job, meaning that only current students of Aalto University can apply.

Could this be you? Read more about the position and apply by today, 20 May, through here: https://www.aalto.fi/en/open-positions/global-partnerships-coordinator.


This is Aalto University Student Union’s weekly newsletter for week 21/2019. The newsletter gives you the news on AYY and its associations and sections, as well as other useful information.

If you want your own piece to appear in the newsletter, send your finalised text to [email protected] by 10 am on Thursday for publication the following week. The recommended length of the text is 500 characters and the maximum length 1 000 characters.

You can also read the newsletter on AYY’s website at https://ayy.fi/en/students/weekly-newsletter/.

News concerning associations can be found in the association newsletter. Read them at https://ayy.fi/en/associations/association-newsletter/.

Want to unsubscribe from the weekly newsletter mailing list? Click on the link and follow the instructions at the bottom of the page: https://list.ayy.fi/mailman/listinfo/ayy-info-fi.

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Read more news

Weekly Newsletter Published:

Weekly Newsletter 23/2019

This is the spring’s last weekly newsletter. Have a sunny summer, everyone! The weekly newsletter will return from its summer break at the end of August. To while away your summer, why not visit AYY’s new website at beta.ayy.fi. Send us feedback and improvement ideas so we can make the website even better!
Weekly Newsletter Published:

Weekly Newsletter 22/2019

The weekly newsletter comes out for the last time this spring on Monday next week, 3 Jun. Because of Ascension Day, the materials for the spring’s last newsletter must be delivered by 10.00 am on Wednesday 29 May to [email protected].
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Weekly Newsletter 20/2019

AYY’s Annual Ball Week is here. Take part in the most amazing events this week. You can find the week’s events listed at https://ayy.fi/en/blog/2019/05/09/the-annual-ball-week-is-here/.
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Weekly Newsletter 19/2019

Mainiota wapunjälkeistä elämää itse kullekin! Torstaina vietetään Eurooppa-päivää. Samana päivänä järjestetään myös paneeli eurovaaliehdokkaille. Seuraa paneelistriimiä verkossa (https://www.helsinki.fi/fi/ajankohtaista/unitube) tai tule paikalle Tiedekulmaan klo 18:45. Tsemppiä kaikille toukokuun puuhiin!