The most valuable treasure – memories from the 2016 Tempaus

As Tempaus is relevant again, let’s take a moment to reminisce about the previous Tempaus. Chair of Tempaus Committee 2016 and Policy Planning Director of the City of Espoo Niko Ferm wrote a blog post about what Tempaus meant to him, what was gained from it, and why every single member of the Aalto community should join Tempaus this autumn.
Niko Ferm puhuu Tempauksen 2016 tapahtumassa

I was involved in organising the 2016 Tempaus. The planning and execution were filled with joy, challenges, successes, failures, confusion—but most importantly, a strong sense of community.

Tempaus campaigns are part of a long tradition in which students actively take a stand on societal issues and propose solutions to current challenges. The purpose of the 2016 Tempaus was to ignite a conversation about the state of Finnish basic education. Eight years later, it’s encouraging to see that we were on the right track back then. Although learning outcomes have continued to decline, hopefully we will find solutions. I believe the message we had—that the joy of learning is the most important thing—remains just as relevant today.

Students have a long history of organizing Tempaus—it’s their way of taking a stand on social issues. In 2015, six years had passed since the previous Tempaus, which meant that for some students, this gap lasted through their entire student years. This motivated us to relaunch Tempaus.  We had a wide range of themes and ideas to choose from. After many discussions, we decided to focus on basic education, as its significance was seen as a highly relevant issue. We also had the honour of working on the theme in collaboration with several alumni, including Ikiteekkari (‘Eternal Teekkari’) Krister Ahlström

The central idea of the Most Valuable Treasure Tempaus was that basic education is Finland’s most valuable treasure, and we aimed to spark a discussion about declining learning outcomes. Our main approach was to visit as many Finnish comprehensive schools as possible and deliver inspiring classes on various topics. In the end, we visited over half of all Finnish comprehensive schools, which now feels truly remarkable! Tempaus 2016 involved around 1,500 people who travelled across Finland by bus, creating opportunities for new friendships and memories. Additionally, I believe the campaign’s name had a double meaning, as the sense of community is the most valuable treasure of student life. Overall, the successful implementation of our Tempaus enhanced the sense of community in Otaniemi. 

Participating in Tempaus and student life in general offers valuable learning experiences. You often gain the most when you have the courage to try something new and challenge yourself in a safe environment. Both successes and failures are important, as long as you’re having fun along the way. While student activities can be serious in content, when based on voluntary participation, they should primarily be fun and provide learning opportunities or significance for the participants. The initiative must come from the participants’ enthusiasm and motivation. I encourage all members of the Aalto community, and others, to take part in Tempaus when you get the opportunity!

It’s wonderful that members of the Aalto community are participating in Tempaus once again, and the theme is of utmost importance. Volunteering has had immense significance for both student development and for Finland as a whole. Whether it involves supporting children’s hobbies, addressing mental health challenges, organising activities, or assisting seniors, every bit of help makes a huge impact on quality of life. Happiness is built on the people around us. Keep up the great work, Aaltonians! 

Niko Ferm

Policy Planning Director, City of Espoo
Chair of Tempaus Committee 2016 

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