Updated association regulation clarifies the role of subject associations

Aalto University Student Union’s (AYY) association regulation was updated at the end of the year to better address the needs of the growing Aalto community and to clarify the AYY Board’s decision-making process.
Saku Turkulainen

Numerous subject associations, guilds, recreational clubs, and other student associations operate within AYY. The association regulation specifies how associations can register in AYY’s association register and outlines the obligations and benefits they have.

In recent years, Aalto University has increased its number of students and expanded the selection of master’s and bachelor’s degree programmes, leading to the establishment of new associations to represent and promote the interests of these student groups. Over the past 3–4 years, several associations have submitted their applications to become subject associations within AYY. However, the previous regulation did not clearly outline the requirements for becoming a subject association, and as a result, the AYY Board’s decision-making process for accepting new subject associations has not been clearly regulated.

‘Subject associations receive more benefits than other associations. They can appoint representatives to interdisciplinary convening committees provided by the student union, and they can participate in the advance booking of rental facilities. I believe these benefits are useful for building the Aalto community’, comments Saku Turkulainen, AYY Board Member 2024 responsible for associations.

The association regulation was updated to clarify the approval process of subject associations to AYY’s association register in the future. The regulation update process involved the AYY Board, Representative Council, the Council consisting of subject association chairs, Community Committee and Teekkari Section. AYY’s Representative Council approved the updated association regulation at its meeting 10/2024.

‘It was great to lead this project! Our subject associations manage the reception of new students and advocate for their fields at the university. With this update, we can better support our associations and members, who do important work on a daily basis. In the autumn, we approved three new subject association applications that had not been processed for a few years due to an ambiguous association regulation’, Turkulainen rejoices.

You can explore the new association regulation here: https://www.ayy.fi/en/administrative-documents/association-regulations

Further information:

Henrik Starck, AYY Board Member responsible for associations in 2025
[email protected]

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