Access codes available for many of AYY’s rental facilities, accessibility updates and saunas heated by users

The facilities have been developed based on feedback from users. Instead of keys, many facilities can be accessed with access codes and there is more information on accessibility on the website. The saunas can be heated at a time that suits you. Read more about the latest developments regarding rental facilities.

Keys changed to access codes in many facilities

AYY has approximately 20 rental saunas, meeting rooms and event venues. Previously, keys to the facilities were collected from the Services Office in Otaniemi, but the digital project that began in the summer of 2019 has progressed to its final stage. Now almost all facilities can be accessed with an access code, which the booker receives through the TILA system . TILA system is available for Aalto associations and persons with Aalto user ID. Bookers outside Aalto University must still collect the keys from the office.

“We hope that the reform will especially serve the associations that frequently reserve facilities and the Aalto members living outside Otaniemi, who do not have to collect the key in advance within the opening hours,” says Service Advisor Milla Elo.  “You must still remember to make a booking no later than the previous day in order to confirm the booking and check the safety instructions. Otherwise the access codes will not be activated.”

Access codes are already available in most rental facilities. Recently, access codes have been added to Village Living Room, Ossinkulma and Game Room. In the current situation (updated 14.4.2021), you must still pick up the keys for OK20 sitsi and sauna facilities as well as the Association Hall. We are investigating the possibility to install access codes for these facilities as well. In addition, you will still need the key for the AK Cabin, Craft Room and Studio (situation updated on 14 April 2021). We have updated code lock information on our website regarding the facilities where the code lock is used.

Musta kulkukoodilaite tiiliseinällä
You can find the access code from TILA system in the booking information for the facility. You can also reactivate the code after checking that the reservation has been confirmed by the Services Office.

How do I book facilities and use the access code?

  1. Book the facility according to normal instructions in the TILA system. Take into account the limitations to the number of people during the exceptional circumstances and remember to fill in the safety form. Please take the item 4 into account when considering your schedule. You can only access the facility at the beginning of your booking.
  2. Please fill in the event safety instructions form as soon as possible. Your reservation cannot be confirmed until the safety instructions have been approved.
  3. Please wait until the Services Office accepts your reservation. Reservations are only confirmed on weekdays, so please make a reservation no later than the previous working day.
  4. The access code is scheduled to work approximately 15 minutes before the start of the reservation. You can find the access code from TILA system in the booking information for the facility. Please note that the code will only work once the booking has been accepted and confirmed by the Services Office.
  5. If the code does not work, try to reactivate the code a few times through the TILA system. If necessary, call the maintenance service. Please note that AYY does not have evening or weekend services. Check the opening hours of telephone service of the Services Office.
  6. You may need a separate key to take out the rubbish at Sievo Sauna and Heinävaara, for example. The key to the waste pit or waste room can be found in the key box on the entrance floor, the code of which can be found in the appendix of the invoice.

“Access codes will make the use of facilities easier even after these exceptional times,” says Service Advisor Milla Elo. “It is great to develop the facilities even further based on the wishes of the users. We are constantly receiving development proposals and address them one by one.”

You can reach the service advisors at [email protected].

Kynnys, jonka molemmilla puolilla on luiskat
Based on the accessibility survey, we have installed various missing handles and threshold ramps. Efforts have been made to improve advance guidance, in particular.

Accessibility information updated

AYY has paid more attention to accessibility and reachability in rental facilities. Some of the facilities are accessible and we have improved advance guidance for non-accessible facilities. The website of all facilities now have information on accessibility and you can get the best overall picture on the accessibility site.

These changes make the facilities more accessible to all users, as we want to take equality into account in our operations.

Read more: Accessibility of rental facilities

Valkoinen saunapainike seinään kiinnitettynä
Stoves heated by users are heated by pressing the button in the facility. You should press the button for a few seconds. The red light above the button will switch on and indicate the heating.

Saunas heated by pressing a button

We have also paid attention to user feedback regarding the heating of saunas. Currently, you can heat the sauna by pressing a button in the facility (pictured) and you do not have to know in advance at what time you want to go to the sauna. Previously, saunas were heated automatically at certain times if you did not request a change in the schedule. The reform is also based energy saving, as now saunas are not heated unnecessarily.

However, there are time restrictions on heating times, due to which it is not possible to go to the sauna during the day in some of the facilities. The exception to this is the smaller space of Rantasauna, which has a wood-burning stove heated by users. In the evening, you can go to the sauna in all facilities - see the more detailed time limits in the  booking instructions.

Finally, we would like to announce some good news:

In the spring of 2020, a long period of renovations in Otaniemi properties ended. So, for now, there will be no outages due to renovations.  We hope that the most recent renovations, such as the Game Room at Jämeräntaival 3, Sitsi Kitchen and the re-furnished Fireplace Cabinet will serve users even better.

We are developing the facilities step by step based on the feedback, so please share your ideas: [email protected]

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