Apply for positions of trust

Applications for AYY's positions of trust are now open.
Opiskelijoita Amfilla

Continuity Committee Mentoring Programme

Become a mentor and help develop the Student Union community

The Mentoring Program connects former Student Union actives with current AYY Board members and key volunteer leader roles to share knowledge, promote continuity, and support the development of today’s student union. Join as a mentor and help guide today’s leaders by offering your experience and insights.

As a mentor, you’ll have the chance to coach a mentee, providing valuable support as they navigate the responsibilities of their student union role. With a commitment of one year, you’ll meet regularly with your mentee to discuss topics on their mind, like leadership, time management, wellbeing and career path. Your guidance can help make a difference in their success and the overall development of the Student Union.

What we are looking for in mentors:

  • Previous experience in the student union activities
  • A willingness to commit to a one-year mentoring relationship with regular catch-ups (every 3-5 weeks)
  • A few years have passed since your own active student union days
  • A genuine interest in helping others succeed and offering thoughtful guidance

Mentoring is about more than giving answers—it’s about creating a space for your mentee to grow, explore ideas, and build confidence. If you are ready to contribute your time and coaching skills to the Student Union’s future, we are excited to have you as a mentor. 

Application period: 31 Oct 2024 - 2 Jan 2025. 

Please send a free form application with a short CV, a summary of your key Student Union activities, and the year of your studies to rekrytointi(at) 

Further information: Organiser of Mentor Programme 2025 Elena Suutarinen: [email protected]

TTE Fund Directorate

The Fund for the Promotion of Teekkari Operations (TTE Fund) awards grants to AYY’s entire membership (business, arts and engineering students) as well as associations and communities operating in its vicinity. The purpose of the Fund is to generate and maintain active interest in technological, scientific, financial, artistic and societal issues and cultural activities.

TTE Fund Directorate meets approximately 4 times a year to address larger grants. In addition, the Directorate addresses project applications received throughout the year as they become available.

You can apply for the TTE Fund Directorate once a year, usually in November-December. The call for applications will be announced separately. The Directorate is appointed by AYY’s Representative Council. The Directorate consists of four persons nominated by AYY and three persons nominated by PTK ry (previously TTEY ry). The term of office of the directorate member is two years. One of the AYY representatives serves as chairman, with a term of office of one year.  All Aalto students can apply for the Directorate.

“When I was a member of TTE Fund Directorate, I had a front row seat to see what happens in our community. It has been a pleasure to follow diverse projects and to get a sense of how I have helped to make some great things happen. I have the experience that our community is alive. In addition, I have learned so much about financial management and document-specific issues, and met great people from different generations. My term in the Directorate has been very rewarding and diverse.

Henry Sanmark, Member of TTE Fund Directorate 2017-2018 (Representative of AYY)

The application for the TTE Fund Directorate is open from 21 Oct to 3 Nov 2024. Please send your application and CV to rekrytointi(at) In your application, please include the year you started your studies and your degree programme at Aalto, and whether you are applying to become a member of the Directorate or its Chair.

Further information: AYY's Allowance Specialist Matias Saikku ([email protected]), +358 40 411 0902. Information on TTE Fund activities is available here: 

Finance Board

The Finance Board is responsible for the management and administration of the Student Union property. The Chair and 7-9 members of the Board meet approximately once a month to discuss current issues typically related to the next decisions of the Representative Council or the Student Union’s resource planning. Last year, for example, the Finance Board discussed funding options for a potential student centre project, options for selling and renting low-priority student housing, launch of new construction projects and the Student Union’s budget. The Finance Board works not only in meetings but also in two sections: the real estate section reviews and prepares matters related to real estate projects and the investment section meets with treasurers and discusses options in competitive bidding. In practice, the Finance Board provides recommendations to the Board and the Representative Council based on its meetings and the work of the sections, as well as supports AYY’s Finance Director and the real estate sector in preparing decisions.

Half of the Board members are students and half are expert members representing professional backgrounds in financial management, real estate and economic activities. The Representative Council elects the student members based on the proposal of the AYY Board (2 representatives) and the residents (2 representatives). The term of office is two years, therefore one representative of AYY and one representative of residents are elected annually.

The Finance Board provides student members with an interesting two-year post in the Student Union’s decision-making and important preparatory work. As a member of the Board, you can represent the student’s voice in decision-making but also gain personal expertise in demanding decision-making. Ilkka Särkiö, who represented the residents during the period 2018-2019, describes the duty as follows:

"The Finance Board provides the students with an amazing perspective on the practices and expertise of professionals in the field, as well as the opportunity to influence the financial planning of the Student Union. The know-how of student members is taken seriously, and they have significant opportunities to intervene and initiate issues.”

Applicants are required to have knowledge of the Student Union’s decision-making, resource planning and finances, as well as readiness for active participation in meetings.

The application for the Finance Board is open from 21 Oct to 3 Nov 2024. Please send your application and CV to rekrytointi(at) In your application, please include the year you started your studies and your degree programme at Aalto. 

Further information: AYY's Executive Director Antti Ilmavirta, [email protected]i,  050 329 1165.

Central Election Committee

The Central Election Committee is recruited for the election year 2025. AYY’s highest decision-making body, the 45-member Representative Council, will be elected next time in the autumn of 2025. However, the Council election does not organise itself, so we are in need of volunteers. 

At AYY, the Central Election Committee is responsible for the general arrangements for the Representative Council elections, such as the nomination of candidates, the counting of votes and the announcement of the election results. Among other things, the Central Election Committee decides on voting dates and imposes regulations and sanctions that complete the election rules, such as issues related to election advertising. Together with AYY’s employees, the members of the Central Election Committee also plan election-related communications and provide instructions for the candidates. The members of the Central Election Committee are not eligible to run as candidates in the Representative Council election.

The application for the Central Election Committee is open from 21 Oct to 8 Dec 2024. Please send your application and CV to rekrytointi(at) with a subject 'Application to Central Election Committee'. In your application, please include the year you started your studies and your degree programme at Aalto. 

Further information: Development Manager Annika Ojelma, ([email protected]) +358 50 520 9434

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In addition to the core tasks of financial management, AYY’s finances include AYY's student housing and investment activities.

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”Why are you applying for this job?” Understand your motivational factors and have influence

People are motivated by different things and reasons. One takes a project to help the other person, the other wants to challenge himself by learning something new. Minna Mäkitalo writes about motivational factors in AYY blog.

”Why are you applying for this job?” Understand your motivational factors and have influence
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Read more news

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Ajankohtaista, Press release Published:

Ecological sustainability policy has been updated – AYY transitions to a plant-based policy

Aalto University Student Union (AYY) has updated its ecological sustainability policy, which supports AYY’s daily operations. The new document directs AYY to serve plant-based food and drinks at its events. In the future, food waste will be minimised, and 30 percent of air and ship travel costs will be offset towards environmental activities.
Hallituksen jäsen Mante hymyilee
Ajankohtaista Published:

AYY is taking steps to improve equity in its operations – new equity plan approved by RepCo

Aalto University Student Union has an equity plan, first in AYY’s history, that was approved in the Representative Council meeting on 21.11.2024. Equity plan will guide AYY towards more accessible and inclusive ways for our students to participate in AYY’s events and operations.
Ajankohtaista Published:

Good news for residents in shared apartments: Here’s how you can receive your own housing allowance while living in a friends’ apartment!

A joint liability rental agreement may affect the housing allowance, as Kela typically grants only one housing allowance for a shared household, which is influenced by the income of both residents. However, residents in friends’ apartments may receive separate housing allowances if Kela reviews them as separate households. This requires tenants with a joint liability rental agreement to draft a mutual possession agreement for the apartment and submit it as an appendix with their housing allowance application to Kela. Tenants draft the possession agreement by themselves.
Ajankohtaista Published:

The contract for the Otakaari 15 student housing project has been signed

Aalto University Student Union and Varte Ltd have signed an agreement for a student housing construction project in Otaniemi, Espoo. The project will be implemented on Otaniemi campus area at Otakaari 15, on a plot bordering Martti Levón Park. The project includes the construction of 153 student apartments in a residential building with 4–6 floors and 3 staircases. The total floor area of the building will be 4,465 m2. The property will also include geothermal heating and a solar power system with a capacity of 30 kWp.