Apply for positions of trust

Call for AYY's positions of trust opens again in autumn 2022.
Opiskelijoita Amfilla

Continuity Committee

The Continuity Committee is the sparring partner of the Student Union Board. The Continuity Committee has the same number of members than the Board, consisting of people from various periods and sectors who have previously acted in the Student Union. According to the regulations, the Continuity Committee is responsible for preserving and developing the Student Union’s intellectual and ideological capital, supporting the active members of the Student Union and promoting continuity, as well as supporting the development of the organisation and good governance.

Each board member is matched with a member of the Continuity Committee. The pairs meet approximately once a month during the year. The purpose of the meetings is to share experiences and support the challenges faced by the board members in the role of a mentor in a mutually agreed manner. In addition, the Continuity Committee and the Board meet a few times a year and the Continuity Committee meets independently a little more frequently.

“The Continuity Committee is a great vantage point for the current student union activities and a way to develop your own sparring skills at the same time. The role of the Continuity Committee is to support the Board and provide perspectives. The best thing about the job is getting to know the current actors and their ideas, getting a close-up on constant development of activities and helping the Board to find the right solutions to their challenges.”

- Jenni Haavisto, Member of Continuity Committee since 2017

You can apply for the Continuity Committee once a year, usually in November-December. The call for applications will be announced separately. The members of the Continuity Committee are appointed by the Board. Each member’s term of office is two years and half of the members resign each year from the Continuity Committee.

Further information: Juho Salmi, Chair of Continuity Committee (juho.salmi(at), +358 405377012)

Volunteer mentoring

AYY offers the people in demanding positions of trust the opportunity to participate in mentoring. Mentoring is a method whereby a confidential discussion between the mentor and the person being mentored, i.e. the mentee, provides a platform for the actor to share ideas, exchange experiences, be heard and ask for advice. Mentoring is designed to support and help the mentee during their term of office. In 2022, mentoring is organised both for AYY Board members, and the chairs and vice-chairs of the volunteer Sections. 

Mentoring meetings typically take place every 3-5 weeks and the framework for the meetings is agreed between the mentor-mentee pair. Specific topics may include self-management, time management, personal well-being, and how to motivate the people the actor manages.

Mentoring is not a therapeutic relationship, reporting, or a channel for the mentor to give direct answers and demands to the mentee (the so-called "sledgehammer/mouho channel"). 

We expect the following from the AYY volunteer mentors:

- Committment to a one-year mentoring relationship, with mentoring meetings typically every 3-5 weeks

- Previous experience and basic knowledge of the AYY volunteer sector and activities: for example, Aava, Campus Section, Teekkari Section, FestTMK, TPTMK, IE, Flower Day and Lakinlaskijaiset are familiar terms

- It's been a while since your most active years at AYY

- You are genuinely interested in supporting the current volunteers, rather than expressing your own opinions and making demands on current activities

An induction training will be organised for the mentors before the actual mentor-mentee relationship starts.

TTE Fund Directorate

The Fund for the Promotion of Teekkari Operations (TTE Fund) awards grants to AYY’s entire membership (business, arts and engineering students) as well as associations and communities operating in its vicinity. The purpose of the Fund is to generate and maintain active interest in technological, scientific, financial, artistic and societal issues and cultural activities.

TTE Fund Directorate meets approximately 5-6 times a year to address larger grants. In addition, the Directorate addresses project applications received throughout the year as they become available.

You can apply for the TTE Fund Directorate once a year, usually in November-December. The call for applications will be announced separately. The Directorate is appointed by AYY’s Representative Council. The Directorate consists of four persons nominated by AYY and three persons nominated by PTK ry (previously TTEY ry). The term of office of the directorate member is two years. All Aalto students can apply for the Directorate.

“When I was a member of TTE Fund Directorate, I had a front row seat to see what happens in our community. It has been a pleasure to follow diverse projects and to get a sense of how I have helped to make some great things happen. I have the experience that our community is alive. In addition, I have learned so much about financial management and document-specific issues, and met great people from different generations. My term in the Directorate has been very rewarding and diverse.

Henry Sanmark, Member of TTE Fund Directorate 2017-2018 (Representative of AYY)

Further information: AYY's Allowance specialist Pekka Pirkola ([email protected]).

The Finance Board

The Finance Board is responsible for the management and administration of the Student Union property. The Chair and 7-9 members of the Board meet approximately once a month to discuss current issues typically related to the next decisions of the Representative Council or the Student Union’s resource planning. Last year, for example, the Finance Board discussed funding options for a potential student centre project, options for selling and renting low-priority student housing, launch of new construction projects and the Student Union’s budget. The Finance Board works not only in meetings but also in two sections: the real estate section reviews and prepares matters related to real estate projects and the investment section meets with treasurers and discusses options in competitive bidding. In practice, the Finance Board provides recommendations to the Board and the Representative Council based on its meetings and the work of the sections, as well as supports AYY’s Finance Director and the real estate sector in preparing decisions.

Half of the Board members are students and half are expert members representing professional backgrounds in financial management, real estate and economic activities. The Representative Council elects the student members based on the proposal of the AYY Board (2 representatives) and the residents (2 representatives). The term of office is two years, therefore one representative of AYY and one representative of residents are elected annually.

The Finance Board provides student members with an interesting two-year post in the Student Union’s decision-making and important preparatory work. As a member of the Board, you can represent the student’s voice in decision-making but also gain personal expertise in demanding decision-making. Ilkka Särkiö, who represented the residents during the period 2018-2019, describes the duty as follows:

"The Finance Board provides the students with an amazing perspective on the practices and expertise of professionals in the field, as well as the opportunity to influence the financial planning of the Student Union. The know-how of student members is taken seriously, and they have significant opportunities to intervene and initiate issues.”

Applicants are required to have knowledge of the Student Union’s decision-making, resource planning and finances, as well as readiness for active participation in meetings.

Further information: Monika Kivimäki, AYY’s Financial Director ([email protected])

Central Election Committee

AYY’s highest decision-making body, the 45-member Representative Council, will be elected next time in autumn 2023. However, the Council election does not organise itself, so we are in need of volunteers. Would you like to be involved with making AYY’s next Council election more visible, resonating and participatory than ever?

The call for applications for the Central Election Committee operating at the heart of the Representative Council elections is open! At AYY, the Central Election Committee is responsible for the general arrangements for the Representative Council elections, such as the nomination of candidates, the counting of votes and the announcement of the election results. Among other things, the Central Election Committee decides on voting dates and imposes regulations and sanctions that complete the election rules, such as issues related to election advertising. Together with AYY’s employees, the members of the Central Election Committee also plan election-related communications and provide instructions for the candidates. The members of the Central Election Committee are not eligible to run as candidates in the Representative Council election.

Further information: Development Manager Annika Ojelma, ([email protected]) +358 50 520 9434

Acknowledgement Committee

According to AYY’s acknowledgement regulation: “The Student Union Board decides on the allocation of badges of merit and honour based on the proposal of the Acknowledgement Working Group. The Board appoints the members of the Acknowledgement Working Group.” (In 2020, the Acknowledgement Working Group is called Acknowledgement Committee, HuomTMK)

The primary task of the Acknowledgement Committee is therefore to prepare a proposal for the Student Union Board on the acknowledgements to be awarded in accordance with the regulation. At first, the committee members become acquainted with AYY’s acknowledgement practices and traditions. The main task of the committee is to review and evaluate suggestions received from the members and to draft a presentable proposal for the Board. In addition, the Committee may support the Board and employees in communications, development and other deliberation related to the acknowledgements.

The Committee is suitable for persons who have studied for a longer period of time and want to promote AYY’s rewarding culture. Most of the committee work takes place in February-March.

The committee members should have competence in various areas of the community and awareness of active community members within AYY.

Further information: Christian Segercrantz, Chair of the Acknowledgement Committee & Board Member responsible for community affairs 2020, [email protected]

How to apply?

You can apply for positions by filling in the form:

More information on other volunteering positions on this page.

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AYY’s finances include daily financial transactions as well as real estate and investment activities.

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Apply as a volunteer

This is your chance to participate in making the best student life in the world.

Apply as a volunteer
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