Update on housing situation

All our apartments available from August and September are currently booked. We can only offer housing if apartments become available due to terminations.

All our apartments available from August and September are currently booked. We can only offer housing if apartments become available due to terminations. You can wait for apartments to become available for October and November.

We ask applicants to submit their housing applications for AYY student housing despite the full capacity in September. Submitted applications remain valid, and we will offer apartments to applicants as they become available.

Unfortunately, AYY does not offer emergency accommodation. If necessary, you can seek a temporary housing solution from other housing providers. Applications for AYY student accommodation are made via the Domo system.

Links to student housing options:



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AYY:n, KY:n ja TF:n opiskelijakeskusvastaavat
Ajankohtaista, Press release Published:

Student centre project has come to an end

In 2021, AYY, TF, and KY committed to the student centre project with the purpose of building a joint student house in the Chemist’s Block in Otaniemi. In recent years, construction costs in Finland have increased so significantly that the project cannot be implemented at the current price level.
muuttopäivän jono
Ajankohtaista Published:

AYY’s biggest moving day of the year, 2 Sept, is approaching! How to get prepared for the moving day

Monday, 2 Sept, is the year’s biggest moving day for AYY student housing as the new academic year is starting! On the moving day, an estimated 300-400 movers will visit the service office, which is why we will only serve customers with moving-related issues.
Joona Lipponen melko totisena
Ajankohtaista, Kannanotot ja lausunnot Published:

Government cuts put a stop to the construction of student housing

We are shocked by the recent cuts of the Finnish Government which put student housing and its construction at stake. In its session on spending limits, the Government made significant cuts to the special group investment grants for student housing construction, which makes the commencement of already planned housing projects in the capital region uncertain and complicates the housing situation for students as well as the housing activities of the Aalto University Student Union (AYY).
helsinki kiinteistö
Ajankohtaista, Press release Published:

Changes to deposits in the autumn

There will be changes to the deposit policy. In the future, deposits will not be collected from all tenants, but only in certain situations.