
AYY has appointed the Chair of the Representative Council and the former of the Board for 2020

AYY has appointed the Chair of the Representative Council and the former of the Board for the year 2020 in their meeting on Tuesday 12 Nov 2019. Next year, Suvi Vendelin will act as the Chair of the Representative Council and Olli Kesseli as the former of the Board.
Hallituksenmuodostaja Olli Kesseli ja edustajiston puheenjohtaja Suvi Vendelin

”I should not ask you to save democracy, but that would be nice” – Results of AYY’s Representative Council elections bring changes to group seats

Aalto-yliopiston ylioppilaskunnan vuoden 2019 edustajistovaalit järjestettiin 28.10.-5.11. Vaaleilla valittiin 45-henkinen edustajisto, joka käyttää ylioppilaskunnassa ylintä päätösvaltaa. Edustajistovaalien voittajiin kuuluu Vihreämpi Aalto -ryhmä, joka kolminkertaisti paikkamääränsä edellisiin vaaleihin nähden. Myös Pro Arte ja Kylterirengas nostivat kummatkin paikkamääräänsä yhdellä.

”Why are you applying for this job?” Understand your motivational factors and have influence

People are motivated by different things and reasons. One takes a project to help the other person, the other wants to challenge himself by learning something new. Minna Mäkitalo writes about motivational factors in AYY blog.
Kuva, jossa ihmiset kävelee poispäin

Voting in the Representative Council Elections Off to a Good Start

The AYY Representative Council Elections are held from Oct 28th to Nov 5th 2019. There are 293 candidates up for election.
Ajankohtaista, Press release
Vaalipaneelin osallistujat näyttävät kylttejä, joissa lukee JOO

Supplementary call for applications for student representatives in the administration of Aalto University 2020

Aalto University Student Union has opened a supplementary call for applications for student representatives in the Aalto University administration for the year 2020. The call for applications opens on March 9 and closes on March 22 2020 at 11.59 pm
Hae hallopediksi 2020

AYY nominates Antti Pentikäinen for President of the Finnish Student Sports Federation OLL

AYY nominates Antti Pentikäinen for President of the Finnish Student Sports Federation OLL for the year of 2020.
Antti Pentikäinen

Fresh faces to service team – Maria Liimatta-Tuominen and Minna Silvennoinen

Maria started as a housing consultant in May and Minna as a service assistant at the end of July. Both have done customer service in the past and are now enjoying their work at AYY.
Ajankohtaista, Recruitment
Maria ja Minna istuvat

Communications Specialist

AYY is looking for a Communications Specialist! Applications for the position are open until 7th of November
Ajankohtaista, Recruitment

AYY signs a climate emergency letter for the COP 25 meeting in Chile, over 200 higher education institutions take part

AYY takes part in the climate emergency letter for the COP 25 meeting in Chile. In the letter, networks and institutions working in further and higher education from across the world declare a climate emergency.
Press release

Reporting inappropriate conduct in Aalto – information about Investigation on fashion programme

Do you know who to contact if you encounter inappropriate behavior at Aalto University against the Aalto Code of Conduct? Learn who to contact and who will help.
Information about the ARTS Fashion program inquiry and instructions for ARTS students to contact if they wish to report previously unreported cases.
Ajankohtaista, Press release

From Cyprus to Finland: a one-week Erasmus+ staff exchange experience at AYY

The Coordinator of the Environmental Policy office of Cyprus University of Technology spent an Erasmus+ staff exchange week at AYY. What were the key learning points?
A sunny street view and one of the buildings of Cyprus University of Technology

Call for applications for student representatives in the Doctoral Programme Committees of Aalto University 

AYY has decided on 1 October 2019 to open a call for applications for student representatives in the Aalto University Doctoral Programme Committees for the year 2020.
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