
Committees under Teekkari Section

Numerous committees composed of representatives from different guilds and associations operate under the Teekkari Section to maintain and modernise teekkari culture. Members of non-teekkari associations are also part of some committees to aid cooperation.
Fuksitoimikunta (FTMK)

Fuksi Major and Fuksi Committee (FTMK)

The Fuksi Committee is led by the Fuksi Major and consists of Fuksi Captains from guilds, TF and Prosessiteekkarit. FTMK organises events such as the Otasuunnistus and Stadisuunnistus orienteering events, as well as Winter Day in cooperation with different associations. The Fuksi Major decides whether or not Wappu will be celebrated.


ISO Director and ISO Committee (ITMK)

The ISO Committee is led by the ISO Director and consists of the people who are responsible for ISO activities in guilds, TF and Prosessiteekkarit. ITMK organises teekkari culture training events for ISO tutors, as well as recreational events throughout the year, and the ISO sitsit.


International Director and International Committee (KvTMK)

The International Committee is led by the International Director and consists of persons responsible for international affairs in special status associations. KvTMK looks after new technology students on master’s degree programmes and exchange students by helping them learn more about Aalto’s student culture. KvTMK also organises events that are open to everyone with particular consideration for international students, such as the International Sitsit.


IE Director and Hosts & Hostesses (IE)

The Hosts and Hostesses Committee is led by the IE Director and consists of board members in charge of organising events in guilds and TF, who are often referred to as hosts and hostesses. For example, Polin Appro, Dipolin Appro and the Otasuunnistus afterparty are the handiwork of IE.


The Wappu Director, the Lakinlaskijaiset Director and Party Committee (JTMK)

The Party Committee is led in turn by the Wappu Director and the Lakinlaskijaiset Director. The Party Committee consists of around ten members selected via an application process at the end of the year. JTMK is responsible for the  teekkaris’ traditional “big parties”: Gravitaatio, Dipolin Wappu and Lakinlaskijaiset.

Hundreds of volunteer party workers work under JTMK’s authority each year.


Precentor Director and Precentor Committee (LuTKu)

The Precentor Committee is led by the Precentor Director and consists of precentors from guilds, singing associations and TF. The Precentor Committee upholds teekkari singing culture and organises events such as precentor training, singing sauna events that are open to all, and a teekkari song contest. The Precentor Committee leads singing at large open events, such as ISO sitsit and the Teekkari Tradition Party.


Teekkari Tradition Director and Teekkari Tradition Committee (TPTMK)

The Teekkari Tradition Committee (TPTMK) is led by the Teekkari Tradition Director. The committee consists of a handful of volunteers who are selected at the end of the year via an application process. TPTMK is responsible for organising the Teekkari Tradition Party and the herring breakfast, and for coordinating Teekkari Tradition Week.


Teekkari Culture Directors and Teekkari Culture Committee (TKTMK)

There are two Teekkari Culture Directors in the Teekkari Section. Teekkari Culture Directors organise events such as Tour de Walpuri at Wappu on May Day and the Otatarha race in autumn. The Culture Directors also lead the Teekkari Culture Committee (TKTMK), which consists of people responsible for culture, guild rooms and deputy chairs from guild Boards.

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