
Campus Section

The Campus Section, the vibrant core of Otaniemi, develops, fosters, and activates the Otaniemi campus. Its purpose is to make Otaniemi an even more enjoyable place to live and study by creating the prerequisites for student culture, community spirit, and wellbeing.
Kampusjaosto Smökin katolla julistamassa Wappua

The Campus Section’s activities are roughly divided into four areas: events, projects, housing, and miscellaneous activities. In addition, the section also engages in advocacy by addressing any campus issues and actively influencing the activities of AYY housing and facility sector. Each Campus Section is unique, with new projects starting at the beginning of each year, and all section members bringing their individual interests.

The Campus Section’s events reach their peak around Wappu, as the Declaration of Wappu Rowdiness, Flower Day, and Village Clean-Up keep the event organisers busy. In addition, the annual calendar includes a variety of other events, such as campus saunas, flea market days, treasure hunts with different themes, and the Village Christmas Party at the end of the year.

Campus Section projects have included renovations and facelift renovations for AYY’s rental facilities, such as Pelimanni and Takkakabinetti. The section actively collects project and development suggestions, which you can submit directly to section members or via email to the Campus Section’s mailing list kampusjaosto[at]ayy.fi.

The Campus Section also collaborates with the housing sector and castle wardens. Section members responsible for these areas work diligently to promote communal living and enhance overall living comfort. This includes brainstorming and developing practical working methods within AYY, as well as organising various projects and competitions that engage the residents, such as the Kiva Kämppisteko (do something nice for your roommate) and Viilein seinämaalaus (coolest wall painting) competitions.

Section members also have other areas of responsibility. The communications officer is responsible for marketing the Campus Section’s activities and events to the community, as well as managing the section’s amazing Instagram account. The person in charge of artistic activities curates the art collection and develops various  installation art projects for the campus. In addition, the Campus Section may include other areas of responsibility in different years, depending on the focus for that particular year. 

If you or your association have an idea and enthusiasm for carrying out a project or organizing an open event on campus, the Campus Section can provide support. Previous projects have included the construction of the Ossinlampi skating ramp and the Village LAN party. Please send your suggestion to the section’s mailing list at kampusjaosto[at]ayy.fi. The project must benefit the entire campus and be open and free of charge to everyone.

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