The Guild of the Cross: Apologetics evening - historicity of Christ and Christianity today

The reality of Christianity is strongly based on the historicity of Jesus' existence, death, and resurrection. What does historical research say about these events, and do Christians have scientific grounds to hold Christianity as true?

Welcome to this open Apologetics evening hosted jointly by The Send, OPKO, and the Guild of the Cross! The teaching for the apologetics session will be led by Aleksi Markkanen, who holds a master's degree in philosophy and apologetics. In addition, after free coffee and snacks, there will be an overview of the current state of Christianity in Finland. The event will take place in Room B of the Kandikeskus. The programme schedule is as follows:

6:00–7:00 pm: Aleksi Markkanen on historicity of the Resurrection of Christ
7:00–7:30 pm: Coffee Break
7:30–8:30 pm: Overview of the Current State of Christianity in Finland

The teachings will be held in Finnish, but live interpretation in English will also be available.


The Guild of the Cross is an interdenominational student organization based in Otaniemi that brings together Christian students from Aalto University, offering meaningful (and occasionally profound) programs every Wednesday in the form of guild evenings. Other activities include weekly prayer lunch meetings, sauna evenings, a trip to Lapland, and more. Everyone is welcome to join, both guild members and others alike; come by to get to know our activities or to broaden your perspective on Christianity! You can read more about the guild and check out our weekly schedule at
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