Tempaus campaign: students to contribute 2,000 hours of volunteer work in one week

Aalto University students aim to enhance the appreciation of volunteer work in Finland. During the Tempaus week, students will collectively do volunteer work equivalent to one person’s work year.
Tempaus - Kaikkien käsien jälki

During the Tempaus week from 21 Oct to 25 Oct 2024, students from different fields and years of study will do their part for the common good by contributing to blood donation, nature conservation, mental health, sports events, and the construction of a monument.

The goal of Collective Handprint Tempaus is for students to contribute the equivalent of one person’s work year, i.e. 2,000 hours of volunteer work, and highlight the significance and scope of volunteer work in Finnish society. According to research conducted by Citizen Forum, volunteering generates over 3 billion euros annually, even though this contribution is unrecognized in the gross domestic product.

‘As the economy tightens, work productivity has become increasingly important. However, we must not forget the volunteer work that spans across all of Finnish society and has been evident in the community spirit throughout history. Volunteer work plays a vital role, but it often goes unrecognised. It is highly valuable. We feel that in today’s society, volunteer work is not given the appreciation it deserves’, says Chair of Tempaus Committee, student Niina Tapanainen.

This year, Aalto University Student Union (AYY) organises Tempaus for the first time since 2016. Tempaus is a traditional way for students to make an impact on issues they find important by utilising the power of the community. The history of Tempaus dates back a hundred years to the culture of technical students.

Further information:

Niina Tapanainen
Chair of Tempaus Committee, Aalto University Student Union
Tel. 0503314314 / [email protected]

Explore the Tempaus Week programme: https://www.ayy.fi/en/events

Read more about Tempaus: https://tempaus.fi/en/

Aalto University Student Union AYY is a service and advocacy organisation for approximately 17,000 Aalto University students of technology, business and arts. AYY represents the interests of its members in education policy and student welfare matters, in particular.

Tempaus harnesses the collective power of students to inform the public about issues that students consider important and topical. The theme of Collective Handprint Tempaus is the appreciation and importance of volunteer work in Finnish society.

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