
The war in Ukraine

AYY is worried about recent events in Ukraine and strongly condemns Russia’s military operations.
Ajankohtaista, Kannanotot ja lausunnot, Press release
rauhankyyhky ja Ukrainan lippu

Rents will be reviewed on March 1st

AYY's rent review date is March 1st, 2022. Your rent may increase, so be sure to pay your future rent with a new amount or modify any automatic payment in your online bank.
Servin Maijan tie 1

AYY expanded its art collection – works on display at the Museum of Student Life

Aalto University Student Union has made annual art acquisitions. In 2020, digital works by Gaurika Singhal and I. K. Rovanto were added to the collection. In 2021, the collection was expanded with ceramic works by Tatu Rouvinen, Sandra Prami and Amir Tahvonen. In the future, the art collection will be part of the permanent exhibition of the Museum of Student Life maintained by AYY.
Ajankohtaista, Press release
Kuvassa taidehankinnat vuodelta 2021

Updated corona release: AYY’s rental facilities are available for booking

AYY actively follows government releases and considers the health and well-being of its members, volunteers, associations, and employees in all its actions. The release will be updated when new measures are introduced.
Ajankohtaista, Press release
AYY:n toimiston julkisivu

Questions and answers to student card questions

Frequently asked questions about student card.
Person with overalls holding a phone with a digital student card on the screen

Positions of trust and volunteers elected for 2022

This news will update with the individuals elected to positions of trust and volunteers for 2022 as the choices are confirmed.

Announcement to the tenants: AYY cancels the common sauna shifts on its properties

In accordance with AVI's order, AYY cancels the common sauna shifts on its properties, as people typically stay with a larger group in them and not only with people that are living in the same household. Common Sauna slots will be canceled for the time being from 3 January 2022,at least to the date 17 January  2022.
Ajankohtaista, Press release
Kaksi opiskelijaa istuu kasvomaskit naamallaan pöydän ääressä

Reservation calendar for AYY’s rental premises opened until 7 Aug 2022

Bookings for AYY’s rental facilities can now be made until 7 Aug 2022.

AYY: Students must be better informed about changes in campus facilities

A few weeks ago, Aalto students noticed that a terrace built by ARTS students near the Undergraduate Centre had been removed. AYY shares the students’ concern about the fact that they were not informed about the matter in advance, nor were they informed as extensively as they should have.
Ajankohtaista, Kannanotot ja lausunnot
Kuvassa Samuli Vehkomäki

Representative Council has updated the association regulation – association categories to be renewed

The Representative Council has approved the update of the association regulation at its meeting on 8 Dec. With the update, AYY’s association categories will be renewed. The main purpose of the reform is to clarify and equalise AYY’s association field.

Diversity December

We will be discussing diversity within our community and looking at different forms of discrimination as a part of our Diversity December campaign. In this blog we will update further information on the topics that go along with the campaign.
Ajankohtaista, Blog
Diversity December

AYY Board elected for 2022

Aalto University Student Union’s Representative Council approved the proposal for the composition of the Board for 2022 submitted by the Former of the Board Otto Usvajärvi at its meeting on 1 Dec 2021. The meeting also elected the Vice Chairs of the new Representative Council.
Ajankohtaista, Press release
Kuvassa AYY:n hallitus vuodelle 2022
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