List of associations

Subject clubs

Subject clubs represent the students of one or several degree programs or a specified target group. Subject clubs are offered special benefits to ensure close cooperation between AYY and the associations in advocacy matters.

Aalto Accounting

Aalto Accounting is the subject club for accounting students and it operates as a link between students and three important groups – the faculty, the corporate world and other students with like-minded interests. Firstly, the club actively promotes accounting students’ interests towards the faculty. Secondly, it works in close cooperation with the corporate world, offering students connections to interesting employers. Thirdly, the club brings accounting students together by organizing relaxed events to enable networking with future professionals. The activities include for example excursions, career nights and a yearly study trip.

Do you want to know more? See the website, like the Facebook page, follow us on Instagram and Linkedin or sign up to the mailing list on our website. 

Aalto Business Law

Aalto Business Law

Aalto Business Law (entinen Jury) on vuonna 2003 perustettu yritysjuridiikan ainejärjestö, jonka toimintaan ovat tervetulleita kaikki Aalto-yliopiston opiskelijat, jotka ovat kiinnostuneita yritysjuridiikan moninaisista vivahteista. Ainejärjestön tavoitteena on parantaa yritysjuridiikkaa lukevien opiskelijoiden opintomahdollisuuksia, yhteyksiä työelämään ja yleistä tietämystä yritysjuridiikkaan liittyvistä asioista. Lisäksi tarkoituksena on yhdistää yritysjuridiikan opiskelijoita ja pitää yhteyttä muihin ainejärjestöihin sekä vanhoihin jäseniin.

Tapahtumia järjestetään vuoden aikana excursioista rentoihin illanistujaisiin. Oletko kuullut hauskoja tarinoita JuryJurreista? Ne ja muut legendaariset illanvietot, kuten yhdistetyt Pikkujoulut & Hallitusvalinta, järjestetään syksyllä eikä niitä kannata jättää välistä!

Yhteistyökumppaniemme kanssa järjestämme lukuvuoden aikana lukuisia tapahtumia, kuten excursioita, urailtoja, afterworkeja, mursuinfoja ja monia muita! 

Heräsikö kiinnostuksesi? Liity Aalto Business Law:n jäseneksi jo tänään! 

Aalto Business Technology ry

Aalto Business Technology ry

Aalto Business Technology ry is the association for students studying Information and Service Management in their Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees, in addition to people interested in the intersection of business and technology. We welcome all students and alumni from Aalto University to join us. Joining Aalto Business Technology ry allows you to tap into our social and professional network and gain a better vantage point in the job market. Your skills are seen as valuable by employers in several sectors and we work tirelessly to promote your degree to top employers.

Aalto Business Technology ry also organizes a variety of exciting events, ranging from excursions to the top technology and consulting companies to study trips and more relaxed gatherings such as the notorious Novemberfest which with the yearly board election are the grand finale of the Aalto Business Technology ry year.

Besides presenting students with great career opportunities and events, Aalto ISM aims to be an effective link between students and the Faculty to make sure your opinions will always be heard.

For more information, visit our webpage, the Facebook page, our Instagram and don’t forget to sign up to the mailing list!

Aalto Economics logo

Aalto Economics

Networking with company representatives on career nights and company visits! Learning more about economic issues through panel discussions. Enjoying picnics with amazing students. Feeling the international vibe on study trips around the world. This is Aalto Economics – a subject club taking care of economics-minded students’ interests, well-being and future career paths.

Aalto Economics is proud of its connections with the Department of Economics and with leading economics-oriented companies. The goal of the association is to offer the best contacts, knowledge and experience without forgetting to mention about all the fun and exciting student activities. Most of the events organised by Aalto Economics are held in English or at least partly in English. 

Aalto Finance logo

Aalto Finance

Aalto Finance is a student organisation for finance-interested students at Aalto University. We aim to connect our four key stakeholders: students, alumni, partner firms and the faculty of finance. We organise a wide range of events to develop mutual benefits and lasting relationships.

To stay up to date with the latest job openings and student events, we encourage you to follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Instagram, and join our mailing list. 

Aalto Management

Aalto Management 

As a subject club Aalto Management ry gathers together a wide variety of students. We are the club for Aalto University Business school students studying management, international business, HR, communications and sustainability. Our main goal is to promote the interest of our members at the university and in the transfer to the working life. To promote the interest of our members we maintain a close relationship between the faculty of management and students. 


Aalto Marketing Society

Aalto Marketing Society (or AMS in short) is the association of all Bachelor's and Master's marketing students at Aalto University School of Business. In addition to those majoring in marketing, we also represent anyone who has an interest in the field! As the name suggests, AMS is an ecosystem of marketing enthusiasts; we bring together students, alumni, companies, and faculty members.

AMS offers something for everyone; to name a few, we arrange excursions, after-work sessions, parties, and even an annual excursion abroad! As the voice of marketing students, we actively participate in developing and improving marketing studies at the School of Business. 

We are an engaged, friendly, and open community of both future marketing professionals as well as those interested in marketing. Join us now! 


Aalto-yliopiston Arkkitehtikilta ry - The Guild of Architecture

The Guild of Architecture is the subject association for students of architecture, landscape architecture and interior architecture, operating within the Student Union of Aalto University. The guild was founded in 1908 and thus is the second oldest guild in the university that still annually accepts new freshmen. The guild has approximately 400 members and operates through its active members and volunteers. The guild is known from both its creative state of mind as well as its long traditions. 

Among the tasks of the guild are promoting the students’ interests as well as arranging happenings which vary from company excursions to sitz. The guild works closely with the other student associations in the university as well as the other guilds of architecture in finland at Tampere and Oulu. 

The members of the guild can be recognized from their painterswhite overalls. The logo on the back of the overalls varies yearly as the class of each year designs their own. The landscape architecture students also paint a tree to the other leg of the overalls and interior architecture students design yearly their own fabric that they add to their overalls. The guilds annual ball Wähäjoulu is held traditionally on the fifth of December. 

The guild has a cabin called Maja that is located near Helsinki in Sipoo. Any member of the university's student union can rent it for themselves or their association! The guild also owns a trailer that can also be rented. For the associations within AYY the guild also rents its ball pit. More information on these can be found from the guilds website. 

Aallonhuiput logo

Aalto University Doctoral Student Association – Aallonhuiput

Aalto University postgraduate student association – Aallonhuiput brings together all doctoral students and those interested in doctoral studies in Aalto University. The association organizes events on issues important to doctoral students and brings them together in free networking events. Aallonhuiput arranges, for example, debates, events in conjunction with companies, theme nights, and wine tasting. It has members from all the different schools of Aalto University.

Aallonhuiput was set up in autumn 2009 to continue the work of its successors, the Helsinki School of Economics postgraduate student association Thesis, and the Helsinki University of Technology postgraduate student association JOY. Initial associations had worked successfully since 2003, and 2004. The association’s objective is to stimulate discussion for improving postgraduate studies and to highlight issues that postgraduate students consider important.

Aallonhuiput informs on its activities in its website, mailing list, and Facebook and LinkedIn groups. If you are interested in our association and want to become a member and to join the mailing list please fill the form in our website. The membership is free.

KY - Aalto-yliopiston kauppatieteiden ylioppilaat

KY - Aalto University Business Students

Aalto University Business Students (KY) is an association whose primary reason to exist is to pursue its members’ interests and benefits as well as offer a unique community and opportunities to develop oneself. KY cherishes and maintains traditions and binds business students tightly together. On the other hand, it is extremely important for KY to be a part of the Aalto community and build its future together with students from other Aalto schools.

The association founded in 1911, offers its members benefits of many kinds and supports the operations on two campuses – Otaniemi and Mikkeli. To become a member one needs to be a degree student at Aalto University School of Business. However, many of KY’s events are also open for students of other fields.


Aalto University’s Guild of Electrical Engineering

Aalto University’s Guild of Electrical Engineering is an association of electrical engineering students in Aalto University. The guild was found in 1921 and it has now more than 500 members who are studying electrical engineering or are otherwise interested in the guild. The purpose of the guild is to serve the interests of its members at Aalto University and at the School of Electrical Engineering (ELEC). The guild also takes care of the well-being of its members, promotes professional skills and maintains teekkari spirit.

To counterbalance studying the guild arranges various events like parties, sauna evenings and sports. The guild room at Maarintie 8 serves as a meeting place for guild members. In the guild room, members can study, spend time and meet other members.

The guild organizes company visits and excursions. The guild uses same tools as in the business world. Professional competence and practicing electronics are supported also by maintaining electronics workshop where guild members can do their own projects. 


The Guild of Automation and Systems Technology 

The Guild of Automation and Systems Technology (AS) brings together students of Automation and Robotics, Information Technology and Digital Systems and Design. The guild's motive is to present its students in Aalto University and the School of Electrical Engineering, take care of their wellbeing, promote their professional capabilities and employment, and able them to be a part of teekkari culture, the guild and the Otaniemi community.

Most of the guild members study either Automation and Robotics, Information Technology or Digital Systems and Design, but AS also has members in other study programs, who enjoy participating in AS events. Traditional events include Konttauskauden avajaiset in the spring, half-year herring brunch Eskalaatio, fuksi party Liukuhihna and annual ball Stimulaatio at the end of November. The guild organizes events and activities throughout the year, ranging from sports, cultural and wellbeing events to sitsis and fuksi events.

The guild board leads the guild, and the board is elected once a year. The guild's activities is also made possible by several committees.

The guild has a guild room at TUAS (Maarintie 8) called ASki, where guild members (also known as aASis) can hang out, do schoolwork, play games, drink coffee or just lounge around on couches. Our guild members can be recognized from purple overalls with a black sleeve, and of course, the best vibe! 


Inkubio ry

Inkubio ry is a guild in Aalto University for the students of bioinformation technology. We began as a student association in 2003 and gained a special status in 2007, hence being one of the youngest guild in Aalto University Student Union.

The guild aims to educate freshmen, provide activities and supervise their members’ rights. For example, Inkubio arranges parties, get-togethers, “sitsis” and other activities – some of them together with other guilds. The most glamorous event is the anniversary called Apoptoosi (apoptosis). In addition, Inkubio arranges excursions to companies on field.

Once a year an election is held to form a new administration for the guild. Under the administration has each manager his own committee. Under committee may all the members choose suitable tasks for themselves. For example, Inkubio publishes own paper called S’napsi.

In various events are members of Inkubio recognizable by their russet-colored overalls with white spots on the legs representing those of cows’.



Aalto Media Lab Student AssociationDADA is a student association, founded in November 2015 by the students of Media Lab Helsinki of Aalto University.

The association was founded to represent and connect Aalto University students from Media Lab and other students with interests in fields like new media, interactive design, media design and related subjects.

The association sets up events like company visits, showcasing events and performance evenings. Apart from events and activities the association actively works on student representation.

Data Guild

Data Guild ry

Data Guild is the student association for data science students, founded in 2019. Most of the guild's members study Data Science in the Aalto Bachelor's Programme in Science and Technology.

The guild has diverse activity: The guild assists in your studies and organizes various events for free time.

You can recognize a Data Science student from his black overalls with a silver sleeve. 


The Guild of Physics

The Guild of Engineering Physics and Mathematics at Aalto University is called Fyysikkokilta, FK in short, or the Guild of Physics in English. Fyysikkokilta was founded in 1947 and has nowadays around 450 members.

The Guild offers its members a variety of activities both in Otaniemi and outside it, organizes a large variety of events, offers different services, tutors and takes care of Engineering Physics freshmen and, perhaps the most importantly, represents students in the university’s administration. Guild’s office and club room is the Guild room, located at Undergraduate Centre (Otakaari 1), next to the Learning Hub.

Fyysikkokilta is managed by a eleven-member board with the help of a large number of officials. The board as well as the officials are volunteers and are elected at the end of every year.

Any member of the Aalto University student union can join Fyysikkokilta by contacting the board. The nominal membership fee is 8 euros.

Don’t hesitate to ask for more information!


GRRR ry – Organisation of the students of Visual Communication Design

GRRR, formally known as the Graaffisen Ainejärjestö RY(Eng. Graphic Art Association), is the student organization of the Visual Communication Design (VCD) program at the Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture, established in the autumn of 2006.

The authority of GRRR lies with an annually elected board, responsible for advocating for the interests of its students. Additionally, the board is tasked with organizing various events for its members. Over the years, GRRR has cultivated traditions both in terms of its organizational activities and through the initiatives of its students. Annual festivities such as Christmas parties and spring celebrations have become customary. Another significant tradition is the student jackets proudly worn by the visual communication design students! Every first Tuesday of the month, gatherings known as "Tiistaibisse" (Tibi) are held at varying locations, organized by first-year students.

The GRRR board continuously strives to evolve its activities based on the desires of its members and current needs. Students of visual communication design are true visionaries, eagerly pursuing the realization of the most imaginative collaborations. Reach out to us with your ideas at

Athenen logo

Information Networks Guild – Athene ry

Athene is the students’ guild of the Degree Programme of Information Networks. It is one of the youngest guilds at Aalto University. Despite the short history, Athene is very active in arranging lots of fun stuff for its members. Activities include e.g. sports events, parties and industry related events. Currently there are a little over 350 members.

Information Networks combines information society, business and art in a new way. The program educates new kinds of interdisciplinary Masters of Science in Engineering, who are able to lead professionals of different fields and operate as a link between the end users and the developers of high technology.

For more information about our activities and what it feels like to be an Athenian, check out our website. If you feel that you are one of us, you are very welcome to join!

Our guild room is called OLOhuone or more commonly Olkkari (meaning living room). It is the glass-cornered room located on the front left side, when you enter the CSE building. In Olkkari, you can find for instance fatboys and sofas, tables and chairs, computers, a small kitchen, a scanner and an Xbox – in addition to a bunch of nice Athenians!

Kemistikilta logo

The Chemistry Guild

The history of the Chemistry Guild begins from 1891; making it the oldest guild in Aalto University. The Chemistry Guild has few hundred members, so while we are not the biggest we are certainly the most beautiful guild. The Guild’s symbol is a white neon atom on a blue background. The official color of the Guild is blue although our overalls are red.

The Guild offers many kinds of activities in forms of sports, culture, excursions, sauna evenings and general get-togethers. The guild room invites members to enjoy coffee, games of corona, marjapussi and pärkkä and reading Tisle magazine.

Although not so visible, an important task of the Guild is supervision of the interests of its members. The Guild is represented in the School of Chemical Technology as well as in AYY and Aalto University. If something should be done differently tell it to the council members!

You can take an active role in the guild by becoming an official. Why not be a DJ, guild room responsible, songleader, cultural responsible, sports responsible, party responsible, general event helper, exam archive recorder, Tisle magazine journalist, www responsible or paparazzo? Ask the council what you can do!

Koneinsinöörikilta ry

The Guild of Mechanical Engineers

The Guild of Mechanical Engineers (KIK) is an organization for the mechanical and civil engineering students and the energy engineering students who started before 2012 in the Aalto University School of Engineering. The guild was founded in 1915 and is one of the biggest in Otaniemi with around 1000 members. KIK takes care of new students, makes the students’ voice heard in the administration and organizes various kinds of activities.

The guild throws parties, organizes cultural and sporting events, and sets up various industry visits and evenings. The most well-known event open for everyone is probably the guild’s annual autumn masquerade party. KIK’s anniversary party, Cuba Night, is held in March.

The Guild of Mechanical Engineers also offers a wide range of services to make the members’ lives easier in both their studies and free time. The services include for instance the guild room, a van, a welding machine, and job announcements.

Active and visible, the guild can often be seen in the media as well: With the Workshop Division’s crazy sledding vehicles and the guild’s reconditioned, pink caterpillar tractor the guild has caught the attention of the great public.

In addition to their grandiose pink overalls, guild members can be recognized by the YY, KAA, KO, NE! chant all over Finland.


Kooma ry

Kooma is the student association for the students of Art Education in the Department of Art at Aalto Arts. We aim to enhance the everyday school life of the students by being up to date with what’s happening in the university and in the field of art education, and by making the students’ voices heard at the executive level. We are also known for our events, such as parties, pop-up cafés and trips abroad, and for maintaining good community spirit in our branch of Aalto Arts.

Maanmittarikilta logo

The Guild of Surveying Engineering

The Guild of Surveying Engineers (Maanmittarikilta, MK), established in 1901, is the oldest student guild in Finland which still receives new students every year. Even though our guild is at respectful age, our activities are still fresh and energetic. Guild has around 400 members, who are brought together by common interest towards built environment, real estate economics, spatial planning and transportation engineering, creative sustainbility, geoinformatics, and studying at Aalto University, School of Engineering. The guild organized all kind of event throughout the whole academic year.

At the guild room, that is in the same building as Konetalo 1 (Otakaari 4), all members and others interested in the guilds activity are warmly welcome to spend time there with a cup of coffee and chit chat or with for example a board game!

Probba logo

Probba ry

Probba Ry is the official student organization of Aalto University School of Business, Mikkeli Campus. For more information about Aalto BIZ Mikkeli, check out Probba was founded in 1989, the same year as the original BBA-program. This is also where the name Probba originates from; Pro BBA, Latin for “For BBA”. Later the program was changed into BScBA, but the name for Probba remained the same.

All the members are entitled to participate in Probba’s activity, which includes numerous events such as the famous Probba Orientation Week, Grand Annual Ball, Career Day and many theme parties especially during the autumn months. We are proud of our crowd and we welcome new students every year with a special way. The Mikkeli spirit is a unique, unforgettable experience that can’t be explained – you have to come and see for yourself!

Nude logo

Nuoret Designerit Ry

Nuoret Designerit Ry, or as commonly known, NuDe is the subject association of the Department of Design at Aalto University School of Arts, Design and Architecture. We aim to make the students’ lives better and take care of the student advocacy of the department. NuDe is also a community for everyone interested in design and art at Aalto.

NuDe organizes parties, excursions and seminars to bring the students together amongst each other, the Aalto-community and the whole design-scene of Finland.

NuDe’s space is located in Otaniemi, Otakaari 1, K-wing. Come and say hi!


Prosessiteekkarit ry

Association of Process Engineering Students (Prosessiteekkarit ry) is a student association that was founded in 2012 due to the degree reform in the School of Chemical Engineering. The association receives new students in both Finnish and English Chemical Engineering bachelor’s programs in the School of Chemical Engineering in Aalto University and familiarizes them with university life and the Aalto-community. The purpose of the association is to bring together the students of the School of Chemical Engineering.

Association of Process Engineering Students takes care of its members’ wellbeing by organizing a variety of events such as sports and cultural events, as well as parties, sauna evenings and sitsit. We also promote our members’ interests within the School of Chemical Engineering and Aalto University. Our aim is to uphold old traditions and create new ones. We work together with the Student Union, guilds, the School of Chemical Engineering as well as companies and associations within the industry.

We are a special status association operating under the Aalto University Student Union (AYY). Any member of AYY can become a member and everyone is welcome to come take a look at our activities! You can come get to know us at our association room, pHuone, in the building of Chemical Engineering. Here members can get free coffee, play games and enjoy good company. 

Puunjalostajakilta logo

Forest Products Guild

Puunjalostajakilta (PJK, pronounced somewhat like [Po: yie: kho:]) was founded in 1945 and has around 140 members. The guild organises events, activities and excursions for students who are interested in wood and bioproduct technology. The main goal is to provide balance to the hard schoolwork, unify students around Finland and introduce the working life opportunities.

Among many events arranged by PJK, the highlight of the year is the annual ball “Kuumahionta”, which is held in March. PJK has a long history and good relationships with the forest products industry and this is also reflected in our logo, as it represents an old watermark that was used in the wood products. We arrange excursions to various companies related to our studies and we represent our guild during visits.

Our guild room is located in the PUU1 building (Vuorimiehentie 1). We welcome all our members and everyone else interested in our guild to have a cup of coffee with a joyful and cheerful company!

For further information, please visit our website and feel free to contact PJK’s board or International Officer.

Rakennusinsinöörikilta logo

The Guild of Civil Engineers

The Guild of Civil and Environmental Engineers (IK) at the Aalto University gathers all students of energy and environmental technology and Computational Engineering-line students under one roof, acting as a student association and looking after the students’ interests. Among other things, the Guild plans and organizes cultural benefits, sports activities, academic ‘sitsi’-parties as well as traditional partying. The Guild also organizes lots of events for the university freshmen. The Guild handles much of the informing of its members on topical things and events, handles relations between different faculties, guilds and the corporate world, affecting academic matters as well as taking care of day-to-day activities. IK aims to fulfill the hopes and expectations of its members in the best way possible.

The guild itself is run by the Guild Council: guild members who have been elected for the duration of one year by the guild members. All activities within the guild are organized by the council with the help of volunteering committee workers. All guild activities and positions are completely voluntary.

The Guild was founded in 1913 and has both a long and distinguished history luckily, the Guild doesn’t show its age, and is both active and youthful even today! Popular activities within the Guild include all kinds of freshmen activities, the annual ‘Hermannisitsi’ ball as well as the ‘½Hermanni’-sitsi. The Guild offers its members other annual events as well, such as the Guild’s Foreign Excursion, ‘Kotimaan Pitkä’ (or National Long-haul), which is an annual excursion around Finland. In addition, the Guild offers cruises, sauna get-togethers, ‘sitsi’-parties, company excursions and so on, both on its own as well as with other guilds. The Guild also has its own Guild room and quarterly magazine, Ruutiset.

For more information on the guild, events and how to join, visit our website



TOKYO is a student association which brings together the students of Aalto University’s School of Arts, Design and Architecture as well as its former students, the alumni. TOKYO supports the goals of the students by taking an active role in public discourse in and out of Aalto University. 

TF logo


Teknologföreningen is the swedish speaking student nation at Aalto University.

Tietokilta logo

The Computer Science Guild

The Computer Science Guild (TiK) is the student association for computer science students, founded in 1986. The guild has approximately 900 student members, most of whom study computer science at Aalto University School of Science (SCI).

The guild has diverse activity: The guild assists in your studies, keeps up contact with the Department of Computer Science, organizes various events for free time and visitations to companies, and initiates freshmen (“fuksis”) to the teekkari lifestyle.

You can recognize a member of the Computer Science Guild from his all-black overalls with a stylized @-sign with a tassel printed at the back, which is the unofficial logo of the guild.

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The Guild of Industrial Engineering and Management – Prodeko

The Guild of Industrial Engineering Prodeko is one of the smallest, but also the most active guilds of Otaniemi. Prodeko acts as a link between the students of Industrial Engineering and Department of Industrial Engineering, the Aalto University Student Union and the corporate world. Prodeko also organizes leisure activities, these include the so-called professional activities, as well as sauna events and parties.

Club of Industrial Engineering Prodeko established in 1966 for students of Industrial Engineering in the Department of Mechanical Engineering. Since then, the Industrial Engineering has become a separate area of studies, club became a guild and its activities have become of top quality. Guild offers its members, majoring in industrial engineering, as well as others interested in industrial engineering, events,celebrations, sauna evenings, trips, company visits, the guild room, coffee, student counseling, advocacyand good company.

Vuorimieskilta logo

The Guild of Materials and Metallurgy Students VK

Vuorimieskilta (VK) is a society for students interested in Materials Science and Engineering at Aalto University. It was founded in 1947. The guild can be referred to as the Guild of Materials and Metallurgy Students in English.

The guild organizes many different activities for its members. There are for example parties, “sitsit” dinner parties, sport events and sauna evenings. On 30th of April the guild organizes Beer relay and Vappu lunch. The annual ball is on the last Friday of November.

Internationality is important for the guild, especially in the form of the IFMMS International Student Weeks with friend guilds all over Europe. We have well-knit relations with industry and organize many excursion visits to see the industry in mostly the fields of metals and mining. The guild also takes care of the relations between the students and the School of Chemical Engineering, as well as has representatives in different committees and councils of the university.

Our guild is one of the smallest ones in Otaniemi, but we are known as a loud and lively guild!

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