List of associations


Societal associations within AYY provide opportunities for developing networks and working life skills, engaging in social advocacy, as well as participating in political and spiritual activities.
Aalto debate logo

Aalto Debating Society

Want to be able to present ideas confidently and persuasively anytime, anywhere and in front of any audience?

To engage in critical discussions on topical issues or maybe just brush up on your English? Check out Aalto Debating Society, a vibrant international community of debaters from across Aalto!

Through ADS you can participate in

1) Weekly practice debates + workshops on speaking skills and topical issues

2) Super fun international debate tournaments in Finland and across Europe!

3) Social events to get to know debaters in a casual setting

Speak your mind, even if your voice shakes!


Aalto Effective Altruism

Aalto Effective Altruism offers students and staff at Aalto university the resources and support to figure out how they can best help others. We aim to tackle some of the most challenging questions of our era: What global problems should we prioritize, what strategies have the best chances of solving them, and how can we best use our resources and careers to contribute to these?

By joining our community and events you'll meet others interested in effective altruism and learn new viewpoints on how to do good. 

Aaltoes logo

Aalto Entrepreneurship Society

Aalto Entrepreneurship Society (Aaltoes) is the most prominent and most active student-run entrepreneurship society in Europe. Our mission today is being the world’s best community and growth platform, especially for personal development and reaching entrepreneurial-minded people.

Aaltoes was founded in 2009 by Aalto University students when the professor said: “being an entrepreneur is the worst thing you could do with your life.” During the years, Aaltoes has been the driving force in the Finnish startup scene. It has changed the attitude towards entrepreneurship, developed Slush the scale it is nowadays, implemented world-class concepts and Europe’s most significant events.

As a member of Aaltoes, you will challenge yourself personally and at the team level. You will surround yourself with future doers, network with national and international talents – without forgetting high-quality career development. The traditional trips to California (Silicon Valley) and Asia are unique possibilities to network and explore a unique startup culture.

There is always space for new ambitious people – contact us via Facebook, www, email or stop by our events!


Aalto Muslim Association 

The goal of our association is to bring together muslim students in Aalto University, enhance their study experience, diminish prejudices and organize alcohol-free events to all Aalto University students. We also strive to be an active member of the society and increase interest for university studies among high school and upper secondary students.

Aalto Private Equity Club

Aalto Private Equity Club

AaltoPEC is a student organisation at Aalto University that raises awareness for the Private Equity and Venture Capital industry on campus. We aim to enhance students’ knowledge on the topic across all disciplines. In AaltoPEC we seek to organise various informative events, such as talks, panel discussions, and excursions, in cooperation with companies. In addition, we post educational material regarding Private Equity and Venture Capital on our website and social media platforms.

Aalto Sustainability Club

Aalto Sustainability Club ry

The Aalto Sustainability Club (ASC) is a vibrant community of students that are enthusiastic about sustainability. We organize events such as company excursions, panel discussions, company presentations & Q&A's and movie nights. Our aim is to connect you with like-minded people as well as interesting organizations and companies. We encourage multidisciplinarity and welcome students from all disciplines with a passion for sustainability to join us. Get to know us on Facebook or Instagram, or via our website. If you have any questions, ideas for events, want to become a part of ASC, or just want to have a chat, feel free to send us a message in our channels or at aaltosc(at)

aalto vihreät

Aaltovihreät ry 

Aaltovihreät ry brings together Aalto students with a green mindset. Our association operates under Aalto University Student Union and our purpose and goal is to familiarise Aalto students with politics and the green movement. We execute our goal by organising different events such as evening hangouts, excursions and discussion evenings, both independently and in cooperation with other green associations. 

Joining the member of Aaltovihreät takes place by filling a web form, which can be found e.g. on the front page of our association's website. 

BY logo


BY a.k.a. Bratislawa Youghurt is been part of Teekkari Village since 1980. We promote (and provide) communal happines and good parties.

Fashion Forward

Fashion Forward ry 

Fashion Forward is an interdisciplinary club promoting sustainable fashion and educating consumers on the environmental and ethical impact of fashion. We aim to build a more sustainable fashion industry in Finland and help consumers to make more sustainable and ethical fashion choices. 

We organize events and excursions in the field, while actively sharing information through our social media channels; Instagram (@fashionforward.ry), Facebook (@fashionforward.ry) and Twitter (@fashion_ry). You can get involved in Fashion Forward's activity by attending our events or contacting us through our social media channels! 



GAYY unites LGBT students at Aalto University and arranges events that are open to anyone, such as Otaniemi GayDay, which takes place annually around Pride. Along with traditional student parties we organize excursions and other fabulous events. We also offer excellent membership benefits!

We welcome you to join the most proud, brave and beautiful organization of Aalto University! You can add yourself to our e-mail list by messaging us at g[email protected]


Kiltojen Ystävyysseura  - Friendship Union of Guilds 

We're an association that aims to create friendships across the guild's. The goal is to create a low threshold platform to meet representatives of other guilds and to make new friends. 


Aalto-yliopiston Kokoomusopiskelijat ry 

Aalto-yliopiston Kokoomusopiskelijat ry (more commonly known as AlKo) is aimed towards all Aalto University students and has been an active local branch of National Coalition Party since 1968.

Our members have great opportunities to get to know and influence our society. At our events, we discuss current topics in politics and have relaxed gatherings. In addition to that, our umbrella organization Tuhatkunta actively organizes events for students, where they can challenge their views, develop their communication skills, and meet communication professionals and politicians in visible societal roles.

Welcome aboard! 


Olea Think 

Olea Think is a think tank network aimed at young experts and societal agents, striving to challenge leading discourses from a market-friendly and ideologically sustainable perspective. We believe that a market economy generates the greatest possible prosperity and well-being for society, yet we are not afraid to challenge market failures. We seek solutions that respect individual freedom while also considering the well-being of people and the environment. 

Ristin kilta logo

The Guild of the Cross

The Guild of the Cross is an interdenominational Christian student organisation at Aalto University founded in 1947. We share a faith in Jesus Christ, our Saviour.

Our meetings are held every Wednesday at 18:45 at the Otaniemi Chapel. The evenings typically consist of a teaching (usually in Finnish) on different matters of Christian life, hanging out over an evening snack, and a devotional at the end. Our other activities include an annual trip to Lapland, sauna parties, an autumn camp and sports activities.

The guild members know what is happening in the Christian scene in the capital region and will be happy to help you.

If you need further information feel free to email tiedottaja(at)



Technical Hemp Club, THC 

Technical Hemp Club is a registered association operating near Aalto-university, found in 2019 for students who are interested in the global hemp industry and its products. 

Our purpose is to offer an environment for open discussion and to improve the knowledge regarding hemp and its use within Aalto-university’s range. Our club strives to build connections to the construction, textile, food and cosmetic industries, and to improve cooperation among other similar associations. 

Welcome aboard to our sweet sweet activity! 


Teekkarireserviläiset – TERES ry

Teekkarireserviläiset - TERES ry brings together people who are interested in Finnish reservist activities.

Association focuses on improving reservist activities by organizing sports events and also by improving members camping possibilities 

TERES also works in close co-operations with ARU. Co-operation enables our members to benefit from different services that ARU provides, for example shooting range shifts. For members, the association offers diverse opportunities by renting camping equipment, organizing rope rappel events, and hosting a club room with sauna evenings and other social events.

If you are interested in what we are doing, please contact our board. 

Women of Aalto logo_uusi

Women of Aalto

Women of Aalto is a network of students which unites the future talents of tech, business and art from Aalto University. We are here to offer a chance for you to get support and encouragement from like minded people and to grow both as a person and as a professional. We promote equality in everything we do and want to help our members surpass their limits. To achieve our vision, we organise inspiring professional events as well as casual mingling.

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