It's Energy Saving Week - save energy and money!

This week is National Energy Saving Week and we want to remind you how small actions can make a difference to both the environment and your electricity bills.

This week is National Energy Saving Week, and we want to remind you how you can make a difference to both the environment and your electricity bills by doing small things. Here are a few easy tips for saving energy:

  1. Turn off the lights: make the most of daylight and remember to turn off the lights when you leave the room.
  2. Unplug appliances. Unplug chargers and other electrical appliances to reduce unnecessary consumption.
  3. Choose energy-efficient appliances: although they may cost a little more, energy-efficient appliances use less electricity in the long run.
  4. Make use of residual heat: When cooking, using residual heat and favouring the microwave will reduce energy consumption.
  5. Adjust fridge and freezer temperatures: Correctly set temperatures prevent unnecessary energy consumption.
  6. Keep the room temperature moderate: Consider using a blanket or sweater if the room feels cool, rather than raising the temperature.
  7. Move smart: Cycle or walk short distances - it saves energy and improves your well-being at the same time.
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