AYY’s Seal of Approval awarded to electronic examination

AYY’s Seal of Approval has been awarded to electronic examination, which enables exams to be taken at a freely chosen time or on the student’s own computer. This kind of flexible studying makes life easier for students who are working or have children, in particular.
Henri Rämä, Venla Virtakoivu, Lumi Ketola ja Leila Kettunen. Pitävät käsissään kunniakirjaa, ruusuketta ja pehmohyljettä.

On Thursday 11 April, Aalto University Student Union awarded the Seal of Approval seal and certificate at the Opintoasiainsitsit [Learning Services Sitsit] organised together with Aalto University.

The Seal of Approval award can be granted to Aalto University practices that the students find good. By granting the Seal of Approval award, AYY acknowledges practices that improve student wellbeing, the meaningfulness of studies, interaction or University atmosphere, for example. The award has been handed out since 2015.

The award was given to electronic examination for the following reasons:

Electronic examination enables exams to be taken at a freely chosen time or on the student’s own computer. This has increased in popularity since autumn 2018 among teachers and students alike.

Constant learning and the changing life situations of students demand tangible changes to the conventional operating methods, and electronic examination is a great example of this. Flexible studying makes life easier for students who are working or have children, for example.

The electronic examination project has been advanced by Venla Virtakoivu and Henri Rämä, in particular.

Opintoasiainsitsit [Learning Services Sitsit] is a party bringing together the student representatives in administration and the University staff.

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