AYY will discontinue associations website services

Website services refer to the Otax service, Otax WordPress service and the handling of domain names and subdomains.

Important information and dates

  • The Otax service will be shut down on 1.12.2023.
  • AYY's WordPress service will be shut down on 1.12.2023.
  • AYY no longer registers new domain names for associations. Existing domains can still be renewed during this year.
  • AYY's email list service list.ayy.fi will be shut down later in 2024.
  • Associations' ayy.fi subdomains will also be phased out. Subdomains will be replaced by a redirection service through which associations can redirect users from the old address to the new one.
  • AYY has preliminarily agreed with the website service provider Louhi, that student associations that cooperate with AYY, can purchase their services at a discounted price. Associations can express their interest in Louhi's services through this form: https://forms.office.com/e/tq9yLvyCiG
  • AYY will make an IT guide for associations, which includes more detailed technical guidance on migrating away from AYY's website services and general guidance on how to manage the association's IT matters.


  • 7.11.2023 - Added a link to AYY's IT guide for associations
  • 15.8.2023 - Added a form through which associations can express their interest in Louhi's services
  • 22.6.2023 - Page created

Guide on migrating from AYY's website services


Louhen verkkosivupalveluihin siirtyminen

AYY and Louhi have preliminarily agreed that associations operating within AYY can switch to using their services at a reduced price. The price of the discount will depend on how many associations will participate in the offer, but it will be at least 10 % off from list prices. Associations can express their interest in the offer through this form: https://forms.office.com/e/tq9yLvyCiG.  Associations that did not use AYY's online services previously can also participate in the offer.

If the association does not want to use Louhi's services, it must find its own solution for managing websites and addresses and migrate its website independently.

During 2022, AYY has sought to clarify the IT services offered by the Student Union and the role of IT in the organization. AYY's IT resources have remained the same over the years, but the number of IT infrastructure and services to be maintained has increased.

This has led to an unsustainable situation where work is difficult to prioritize, resources are insufficient to maintain the current level of service, and security risks increase.

To solve the situation, AYY has decided to discontinue the IT services offered to associations during 2023 and 2024 and to focus IT resources on developing the digitalization of AYY's core services and tasks.

As a result, associations must move their websites and addresses away from AYY's services before they are discontinued on December 1, 2023.  In addition, the email list service list.ayy.fi will be discontinued later in 2024.

We understand that the situation is unfortunate and challenging for associations and we apologize for any inconvenience this may cause. AYY supports associations in moving the maintenance of their websites and will provide instructions on how to do so.

AYY has preliminarily agreed with the website service provider Louhi that student associations related to AYY can purchase services from them at a discounted price. In addition, the transition to Louhi's services will be made as easy as possible. 

AYY will also create more detailed instructions on how to transfer data away from website services and a general guide to support the IT activities of associations.

The most up-to-date information related to the discontinuation of services can be found on this website.

  • Published:
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