AYY to discontinue list.ayy.fi mailing list service on 10 December

AYY will discontinue list.ayy.fi mailing list service on 10 December. Associations using the service must transition to alternative services.

AYY to discontinue list.ayy.fi mailing list service on 10 December 

AYY is simplifying its IT processes and, as part of this, will discontinue list.ayy.fi mailing list service on 10 December. 

The student union’s mailing list service has a long history, but as time has passed, the requirements for electronic communication services have increased. AYY does not have the resources to maintain an outdated list.ayy.fi service at an adequate level in terms of data security and functionality.

Associations using the service must transition to alternative services. 

This is particularly important if your association uses list.ayy.fi address as the board’s contact address.

Be sure to check the address you are using at https://services.ayy.fi and https://tila.ayy.fi, and change it if necessary.


More detailed instructions on transferring data can be found at https://itguide.ayy.fi 

Questions related to the topic can be sent to [email protected].

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