AYY is looking for a designer and maker for the Master of Ceremonies’ staff

AYY is turning nine already, but there is still something missing from AYY. A Master of Ceremonies’ staff, that is!

The Master of Ceremonies’ staff is used at the annual balls and possibly at other ceremonious events of associations or, in the case of AYY, the Student Union. At the festivities, the Master of Ceremonies thumps the ground to get the party crowd’s attention, for example, before a speech. The Master of Ceremonies’ staff is usually around two metres long and has a logo, emblem or other symbol representing the association at its head. The staff usually has a base, which can be either decorative or simple.

With the AYY annual ball approaching once again, the need for a Master of Ceremonies’ staff becomes very real as well. AYY wants a staff that represents our community. This being the case, we are looking for a designer and maker for our staff! This staff will be used by out Student Union most likely for decades to come at all more ceremonious events, and it will act as an important and valuable symbol of AYY. A reward will be settled upon with the maker. So, leave your handprint in AYY’s history and submit your design via this form by 24 Mar: https://lomake.ayy.fi/taide/ayys-master-of-ceremonies-staff/

You can find images of associations’ existing staffs as well as AYY’s existing symbols here: https://ayyfi.sharepoint.com/:f:/s/Taidetoiminta/EjX0eIqzIzFOjxpMhCG3ipIBQKutOvNBzAqvQeyvxQv51g?e=vp3DLu

Both the staff and its head and base can – and should – be designed and manufactured using your own creativity. The images can be used to help perceive how the staff is used. AYY’s symbols can be used either as they are or to provide individual elements to contribute to the staff’s shape. The important thing is for the staff to represent AYY in some way!

If necessary, some of the parts can be commissioned from an external manufacturer, but most of all, we are hoping for personal handiwork! Aalto Infrastructures has promised the staff’s maker access to the Aalto workshops and offers materials for manufacturing the staff as well.

All questions and requests for further information will be answered by Marianne Honkasaari ([email protected], 0409645608).

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