TTE Fund - Receiving the grant

Receiving the grant

The grant can mainly be received after the project is completed and an approved final report has been submitted. The grant is usually paid out within a few weeks of submitting a correctly prepared final report. The Fund may also negotiate an advance payment of the grant if necessary for the project to succeed. However, it is advisable to complete the final report immediately after the project has been executed to avoid leaving it unfinished. TTE Fund does not pay out any grants during the holiday period in July.

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Final report

A final report must be submitted to the Fund via an online form, consisting of a report and the actualised finances (maximum of 2 x A4 pages + images and financial documents). The report should briefly describe the success of the project and specifically explain whether the project proceeded according to the grant application. Additionally, the report must detail how any special terms of the grant decision were met. The project’s actualised finances must be attached to the end of the report and should detail how the project’s income and expenses compared to the budget (actual ≠ budget). For smaller projects, a copy of all receipts/invoices must be included. For larger projects, you only need to provide copies of a few of the largest expense items that together total at least the grant amount. The Fund does not need the original receipts.

If the execution methods, expenses, etc. presented in the grant application have been deviated from, it is necessary to include a brief explanation of these deviations in the report along with the reasons. It is recommended to attach photos, videos, etc. to the report. For additional reporting (or tax purposes), it is advisable to retain all receipts, documents related to the project, and the financial statement even after the grant has been paid out.

In the future, TTE Fund aims to inspire students by publishing images and report sections from the final reports on the TTE Fund website. Therefore, please ensure that the text and photos in your report are suitable for printing.

The final reports must be submitted via TTE Fund's form system, which is available here.

Advance payment

The Fund may negotiate an advance payment of the grant if necessary for the project to succeed. For an advance payment, the applicant must sign a financial obligation binding them or their association to repay the grant if the project is not actualised. This financial obligation expires once the final report and its attachments have been submitted to and approved by the Fund. The Fund will reclaim the grant paid out in advance if the final report or an account of the project’s progress is not submitted to the Fund within 12 months of signing the financial obligation. Arrangements for receiving the grant in advance are made with the Fund’s secretary.

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