TTE Fund - Apply for a grant

Apply for a grant

This page contains instructions for applying for a grant. Read the entire page carefully before you start filling out the application form!

The Fund for the Promotion of Teekkari Operations awards grants in two ways: through the continuous application process and during application rounds. Applications are submitted by completing an online form, which is available at any time. However, it is essential to ensure that the deadlines for applications rounds and the scheduling of decisions align with your project’s timeline.

If necessary, the fund may request the association’s budget and the most recent financial statements.

The goal of TTE Fund is to support and encourage teekkari and other student activities in all their forms through its grants. The more Aalto community members can participate in the project or enjoy its results, the better. The Fund particularly values projects that encourage individuals to collaborate and work together to create something new. We also urge applicants to engage in active communication both within and outside the Aalto community, since the appreciation of the university and its students also depends on public visibility. Effective communication also enables many Aalto community members to enjoy your project in various ways. 

The Fund does not adhere to a strictly defined policy in its grant allocation process; instead, the Directorate exercises its discretion in accordance with the Fund’s regulations and the spirit of the deed of donation. However, the Fund does not provide grants for the following purposes:

  • Projects making a profit
  • Schoolwork, Master’s theses or other theses
  • Funding for recurring basic operations
  • Grants intended for the payment of salaries or fees for volunteer work
  • Projects that have already been completed; funding cannot be retroactively applied for 
  • Alcohol
  • Useless stuff

In addition, the Directorate is highly critical of funding excursions and study trips, as such funding be available from either the corporate world or the university. When fundraising for such projects, you should look into opportunities for collective work efforts, sponsor deals and funding from the City of Espoo or Helsinki, for example. If your project includes students from the Aalto School of Business, you may also apply grants from KY foundation.

You can access the application form here

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