

Aalto Talent Expo 2022

Aalto University's largest recruitment event Aalto Talent Expo will be organized in Otahalli (Otaniemi) on November 10th 2022! Come and meet the employers at the recruitment fair and attend also the virtual fair activities during the fair week.
Otahalli 02150 Espoo
paljon ihmisiä messuilla


At the end of the first week of Teekkari Tradition weeks it is time to put on your classiest clothes and step into the shadows of Smökki as chill music fills the space. This is because on Friday, 11th of November, Elonkorjuu is back.

The event is organized by the Teekkari culture committee of AYY, GAYY and Jalostajat. During the night, you get to enjoy live music, good food and an excellent drink selection.
Servin mökki
miehen ja naisen siluetti ja drinkkilaseja

Cradles of Technology

In the middle of the Teekkari Tradition Weeks you get to make yourself familiar with different kinds of places imporant for Teekkarius. On the weekend you get to take a small break from all the celebrations by getting to know some history. So see you also on the weekend!
On Saturday at the Old Poli (Glo Hotel Art), on Sunday in Otaniemi
pohjapiirustuksia rakennuksista

Kullervo concert

More information coming

Fuksis’ Jubilee Sitsit

The start of the second Teekkari Tradition Week is commemorated with one of the fuksi year’s most exquisite and elegant sitsit. The night will be filled with songs, delicious food, and fantastic performances. This event, organized by FTMK, is meant for tech fuksis and tech fuksis only – a true once in a lifetime opportunity! The event will be held in Finnish.
Servin mökki
piirroskuvassa ihmisiä istuu pöydän ääressä, joku soittaa gongia, pöydälle on katettu lautanen, aterimet, kuppi, viinilasi, pullo ja kynttilä

Laulukilpailusitsit / Song Writing Championship sitsit

Otaniemi Song Writing Championship is a contest for both lonely writers and groups of friends to show off their work in songwriting, be their piece a guaranteed hit ready for the world or a bunch of drafts on a post-it.
Servin mökki

Kiltakoitokset / Battle of Guilds

The fourth anniversary year event is placed at the end of the two weeks of celebration, when guilds challenge teekkaris to participate in the battle of guilds on 17th of November!
Servin mökki

150. Teekkariperinnejuhla

Welcome to celebrate with us the 150th anniversary of teekkarius to the most spectacular event of the year on 19.11.2022 at the Helsinki Ice Hall!

More information and the invite can be found on the official website of the event at
Helsingin jäähalli
Teekkariperinnejuhla 19.11.

Kylän pikkujoulut

It’s time to start getting ready for Christmas, as Campus Section and Otahoas will organize the traditional pre-Christmas Party of the Village on Saturday, 10 Dec. 🎄
Rantasauna Museum of Student Life/Jämeräntaival 3 (the cocktail event), Rantasauna (the main event)
Kylän pikkujoulut grafiikka, jossa on kettu kuusen alla

Sparkling Sauna Day

To celebrate the opening of the saunas at AYY's sauna premises, the Community Section Aava invites every Aalto student to enjoy the most beloved leisure activity of Finns, going saunas!
Otaniemi, Espoo
Image of a sauna

AYY x Kiekko-Espoo: Students' Hockey Nights

What better way to prepare for the upcoming Ice Hockey World Championships than by attending a real ice hockey game! AYY's Community Section Aava is organizing a joint trip open to all Aalto students to the Kiekko-Espoo games offered by the city of Espoo on Wednesday, 8.3. and on Thursday 9.3.!
Espoon Metro Areena, Urheilupuistontie 3, 02120 Espoo
AYY x Kiekko-Espoo Opiskelijoiden lätkäiltamat

AYY x Kiekko-Espoo: Students' Hockey Nights

What better way to prepare for the upcoming Ice Hockey World Championships than by attending a real ice hockey game! AYY's Community Section Aava is organizing a joint trip open to all Aalto students to the Kiekko-Espoo games offered by the city of Espoo on Wednesday, 8.3. and on Thursday 9.3.!
Espoon Metro Areena, Urheilupuistontie 3, 02120 Espoo
AYY x Kiekko-Espoo Opiskelijoiden lätkäiltamat

Events organised by AYY

AYY organises a variety of annual events.

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Aalto Party_Aleksi Lehtinen
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