Laundry room reservations will be made on Domo starting 1st June 2019!
Useissa AYY:n kiinteistöissä on pyykkitupa, joka on asukkaiden käytössä. Kesäkuun 2019 alusta alkaen pyykkitupien varaukset tehdään Domo-palvelussa.
How to make a reservation 1st of June:
- Go to
- Sign in
- Select from the menu: Laundry rooms
- You will be able to see all the laundry rooms and machines you are allowed to use
- Select and make a reservation
If you have any questions on how to make a reservation, please contact AYY’s real estate sector: kiinteistotoimi(at) Please also let us know if you notice that any of the machines are out of order or if there are shortcomings in the cleanliness of the premises.