
Representative Council

The Representative Council represents all members of the student union and holds the highest authority within AYY.

The Representative Council holds the highest authority within the student union. The Representative Council is elected for a two-year term, and all AYY members are eligible to vote and stand as candidate in the elections held every other year. The Representative Council comprises 45 representatives, all of whom must be members of AYY. The next elections will be held in the autumn of 2025.

Among other things, the Representative Council decides on AYY’s budget, financial statements, loans, construction and regulations. The Representative Council also appoints the Student Union Board, the Chairs of the Board and the highest officials.

Meetings of the Representative Council, which take place approximately once a month, are open to all AYY members. Meetings are live-streamed and simultaneously interpreted from Finnish into English. You can  follow the meetings live at The meeting agendas and minutes can be found on AYY Inside.

Chairs of the Representative Council

 Sakari Ropponen

Sakari Ropponen

Chair of the Representative Council
 Perttu Antikainen

Perttu Antikainen

1st Vice Chair of the Representative Council
 Toni Niemi

Toni Niemi

2nd Vice Chair of the Representative Council

You can contact the Chairs of the Representative Council by email at [email protected] or [email protected].

Chairs of the Representative Council Groups

You can contact the Chairs of the Representative Council Groups by email at [email protected].

Group Chair Vice Chair
Aallon Kokoomus Juho Tiihonen Marko Ikävalko
CHEM Eveliina Palo Juha Malinen
Kylterirengas Miku Blinnikka Jacques Liikanen
Konergia Senja Santala Valtteri Erkkinen
LUOVA Noah Clarkeburn Aatu Jäntti
SCisma Elias Pitkänen Niina Ikonen
Vihreämpi Aalto Marcell Berta Ida Parkkinen
Vapaasti vasemmalla Gökhan Erdem Juno Suvijoki
Våga Petter Cornér Stella Bruncrona
Pro Arte Lucas Jordi Lassenius Lu Chen

Information on the Representative Council’s operations and composition can be found at AYY’s Representative Council Wiki.

Representative Council’s composition

Group Seats
Aallon Kokoomus 7
Kylterirengas 6
Konergia 2
SCIsma 5
Vihreämpi Aalto 7
Vapaasti vasemmalla 3
Våga 3
Pro Arte 5

Representative Council Election

The AYY Representative Council election was held in fall 2023.

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Edustajisto kokoustaa

Minutes and agendas

Minutes and agendas of Board and Representative Council meetings.

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